ANA, in collaboration with regional training and technical assistance providers, implements three types of free training and technical assistance to prospective applicants across the U.S and the Pacific territories:
- Project planning and development training
- Pre-application training
- Pre-application electronic technical assistance
To find current trainings, visit our Events Page or visit your regional TA provider.
ANA Regional TTA Centers:
Pacific Region | Eastern Region |
Western Region | Alaska Region |
Project Planning & Development Training
Project planning and development trainings are designed to provide prospective ANA applicants with skills to plan successful community development projects.
Participants learn how to:
- Work with community and key partners to identify and document specific problems that stand in the way of meeting community goals
- Create a project work plan to address those problems and attain community goals
- Develop measurable outcomes and impacts to the community
- Determine the level of resources and funding needed to implement the project
Training sessions are offered free of charge to tribes and Native American, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander non-profit organizations. Each participant is responsible for paying their own travel costs to attend.
Unfunded ANA applicants are strongly encouraged to attend project planning and development training. To register, please contact your regional T/TA Provider.
Review the manual used during the training.
Pre-Application Training
Pre-application trainings are designed to provide prospective ANA applicants with “nuts and bolts” information on the federal application process and ANA Funding Opportunity Announcements for Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS), Native Language Preservation and Maintenance, and Environmental Regulatory Enhancement.
Participants learn how to:
- Register and apply on
- Understand the ANA Funding Opportunity Announcement Evaluation Criteria
- Format, package, structure and submit an application for ANA funding consideration
The training sessions are offered free of charge to tribes and Native American, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander non-profit organizations. Each participant is responsible for paying their own travel costs to attend.
Pre-application training participants should have a defined project idea. At registration, participants will be asked to submit a summary of the proposed project, including goals and objectives. To register and confirm dates and locations, please contact your regional T/TA Provider.
Pre-Application Electronic Technical Assistance (ETA)
Pre-application ETA is designed to provide individualized assistance to prospective ANA applicants through phone, email and fax.
To be eligible for pre-application ETA, applicants must have completed 75% of the ANA application. Please contact your regional T/TA Provider to register for pre-application ETA. At the time of registration, please present a letter from your tribe or non-profit organization containing a short summary of the project, description of community involvement, project development and pre-application trainings attended, and the primary contact.