Child Maltreatment 2011

Publication Date: December 12, 2012
Current as of:

This report presents national data about child abuse and neglect known to child protective services agencies in the United States during federal fiscal year 2011.

Tables are available in Excel

Table of Contents




Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of NCANDS
Annual Data Collection Process
NCANDS as a Resource
Structure of the Report

Chapter 2: Reports
Screening of Referrals
Report Dispositions
Report Sources
CPS Response Time
CPS Workforce and Caseload
Exhibit and Table Notes

Chapter 3: Children
Children Who Were Subjects of a Report
Number of Child Victims
Child Victim Demographics
Maltreatment Types
Risk Factors
Perpetrator Relationship
Federal Standards and Performance Measures
Exhibit and Table Notes

Chapter 4: Fatalities
Number of Child Fatalities
Child Fatality Demographics
Perpetrator Relationship
Maltreatment Types
Risk Factors
Prior CPS Contact
Exhibit and Table Notes

Chapter 5: Perpetrators
Number of Perpetrators
Perpetrator Demographics
Perpetrator Relationship
Maltreatment Types
Exhibit and Table Notes

Chapter 6: Services
Prevention Services
Postresponse Services
History of Receiving Services
Exhibit and Table Notes

Chapter 7: Reports, Research, and Capacity Building Activities Related to Child Maltreatment
Reports on National Statistics
Research on Child Maltreatment
Capacity Building Initiatives
Suggestions for Future Research

Appendix A: Required CAPTA Data Items

Appendix B: Glossary

Appendix C: Data Submission and Data Elements

Appendix D: State Commentary


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