The Online Interstate Roster and Referral Guide User’s Guide


Publication Date: January 11, 2000


DATE: January 11, 2000

TO: All IV-D Directors, Regional Administrators, Regional Program Managers, IRG Contacts

RE: The Online Interstate Roster and Referral Guide (IRG) User’s Guide

Dear Colleagues:

The purpose of this letter is to distribute the user's guide for the Online Interstate Roster and Referral Guide (IRG). The attached user's guide consists of five parts:

  • Introduction
  • Online IRG Security
  • Navigation
  • Viewing IRG Information
  • Adding, Changing, or Deleting Information

Part 1, the Introduction, provides a detailed description of the State Profiles and the FIPS Codes and Address System. Part 2, Security for the IRG, describes three types of users based on the log-on ID. Part 3, Navigation, gives general information for users to navigate between the State Profile System and the FIPS Codes and Address System. Part 4, Viewing IRG Information, describes how users with view-only capability can view information. Part 5, Adding, Changing, or Deleting Information describes how users with State administrative capabilities can add, change, or delete information on the IRG System. The User's Guide also contains a number of appendices. The appendices provide a list of acronyms, state IRG Contacts, guidance for completing the profile information, state abbreviations and FIPS codes, and State Technical Assistance Liaisons. For easy access, the user's guide will also reside on the IRG System.

DCL-99-129, dated December 1, 1999 announced the arrival of the Online IRG . User IDs and Passwords have been distributed for view-only purposes to IRG Contacts. OCSE made every attempt to enter the most current data onto the IRG System. However, in cases where we did not receive a state’s address information, that state’s information was downloaded from the SSA mainframe. We are asking that states carefully review all information and make note of changes that are needed. Edit capability for the IRG System will be operational in early January and additional User IDs and Passwords will be issued at that time. States should make changes during the month of January. After all information has been corrected and updated, States can disseminate the view-only User ID and Password to their caseworkers.

Any comments you have about the Online IRG will assist us in making enhancements to the system so it will work better for you. Pubic viewing will be a part of the enhancements. When the enhancements are implemented, states will designate which addresses they want the public to view. States will not have to contact OCSE; your designations can be made directly on the IRG System.

If you need technical/user assistance, you may contact your Technical Assistance Liaison.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to improve the lives of our nation’s children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Attachment (not available online)