Interstate Case Reconciliation Desk Aid

When You Contact Another State or When Another State Contacts You

Publication Date: November 2, 2011
Current as of:

The ICR Desk Aid  (PDF)has two sides:

Contacting a Worker In the Other State

  • Make sure you know the current interstate status of your case and the names of the CP and the NCP before contacting the other state.
  • Make sure the worker in the other state knows the purpose of your contact: to reconcile an interstate case discrepancy identified through the ICR. Make sure the other person does not confuse in-state with interstate case status. The Reason Codes with the highest priority are 01, 02, and 04.

Reason Code 01 means a matching interstate case could not be found in the other state.

Whether you are the Initiating or the Responding State, you should ask: "I am trying to identify if you have a (CP NAME) and (NCP NAME) case on your computer system. If so, what case ID do you have for that case? Does your state system show the interstate action with my state as open or closed at the current time?"

Reason Code 02 means you do not have the other state's correct case ID on your state's system, but the ICR provided the correct case ID.

You will probably only need to contact the other state if the CP and NCP on your case do not match the CP and NCP on the other state's case. Check whether the case is a joint custody case. Automatic system updates of corrected case IDs are recommended; but, if you are making corrections manually, enter the other state case ID exactly as provided through the ICR. If leading zeroes appear, enter the exact number of leading zeroes provided.

Reason Code 04 means the interstate case is open in your state, but closed in the other state.

If you are the Initiating State, ask: "Why has your state closed the interstate action you received from my state?"

If you are the Responding State, ask: "Is my state's assistance still needed by your state on this case?"

When a Worker In the Other State Contacts You

Can you tell if an in-state case in your state used to be an interstate case? If your state system does not retain data for closed interstate actions on open IV-D cases in an easily identifiable format, learn how this information can be determined. Do you need to review case notes or case financial data to see if payments are being made between states?

Make sure you are responding with information on the open/closed interstate action status of the case, not the open/closed IV-D status of the case. Don't confuse in-state and interstate case status!

If the other state contacts you about Reason Code 01, it means the ICR could not find a case in your state that matches its case. Try to find a matching case based on the CP and NCP. If found, give your case ID exactly as it is used for external communications. Give the case ID your state provided to the FCR. Provide the open/closed interstate action status of your case so the other state knows whether its interstate action with you should remain open.

If the other state contacts you about Reason Code 02, it means the ICR provided a different case ID for your case than what was in its state system. The other state should only be calling because the CP and NCP on your case do not match the CP and NCP on its case. Check on the possibility of a joint custody case.

If the other state contacts you about Reason Code 04, it means its interstate case is open, but the case in your state is closed.

If you are the Initiating State, let the other state know if their services are still needed by your state for enforcement of your case, or if the case could be closed.

If you are the Responding State, find out if the case should be re-opened.
