CARES Act Gives Extra $750 million for Head Start Program

June 4, 2020

In addition to the 2020 appropriation of $10.6 billion for the Head Start program, the recently signed Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act designates $750 million more for the federal program to help prepare low-income children for kindergarten.

“President Trump has secured more than $6 billion in funding to help supplement human services during this crisis,” said U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar. “This $750 million for Head Start will help ensure that children and families who rely on the program continue receiving services like meals, health screenings, and pre-K education where possible. As we move toward safely reopening, it only grows more important that we support vulnerable families and children whose lives have been disrupted by the virus and its economic effects.”

“We know that investing in programs that use a whole family approach to learning and development can be pivotal to the success of children and families,” said Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson. “During this pandemic it is important to support programs that enrich and enlighten children, families, and communities as they work towards their goals and make concentrated efforts to improve their future post the pandemic.”

The bill provides $750 million to the Head Start and the Early Head Start program. This funding will support the growth and development of children and families by creating a positive environment for them during this public health crisis. To support low-income children who have experienced a disruption of services during this time, programs will provide supplemental summer Head Start programs as they are able. Funds will be released directly to all 1,600 local Head Start and Early Head Start programs, including tribal programs, in every state and territory beginning this week.

With this additional funding, ACF continues to support services that strengthen and support families, individuals, youth and children to achieve their fullest potential during a public health crisis.

Additional information about Head Start programming specific to this public health crisis can be found on the Office of Head Start website .

Quick Facts

  • The CARES Act designates an additional $750 million for the federal program to help prepare low-income children for kindergarten.
  • This funding will support the growth and development of children and families by creating a positive environment for them during this public health crisis.
  • Funds will be released directly to all 1,600 local Head Start and Early Head Start programs, including tribal programs, in every state and territory.
  • With this additional funding, the Administration for Children and Families continues to support services that strengthen and support families, individuals, youth and children.


“President Trump has secured more than $6 billion in funding to help supplement human services during this crisis.”
— HHS Secretary Alex Azar
“This $750 million for Head Start will help ensure that children and families who rely on the program continue receiving services like meals, health screenings, and pre-K education where possible."
— HHS Secretary Alex Azar
"As we move toward safely reopening, it only grows more important that we support vulnerable families and children whose lives have been disrupted by the virus and its economic effects.”
— HHS Secretary Alex Azar
“We know that investing in programs that use a whole family approach to learning and development can be pivotal to the success of children and families.”
— ACF Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson
“During this pandemic it is important to support programs that enrich and enlighten children, families, and communities as they work towards their goals and make concentrated efforts to improve their future post the pandemic.”
— ACF Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson


Administration for Children & Families
Office of Communications
330 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Phone: (202) 401-9215
Fax: (202) 205-9688

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