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The experiences of the Year Up workforce development program’s efforts to scale up its services for young adults.

Make sure this school year gets off to a great start!

A look at risk factors for college success among group of low-income adults.

Attracting, supporting, and retaining high quality early childhood educators and program directors requires intentional policies and practices

Frequent school changes can lead to poor academic outcomes

Resources for Examining and Supporting Credentialing in the Early Care and Education Field

For many children in foster care, school is the one predictable and safe place in their life.

A decade of collaboration on early childhood issues and child welfare.

A major challenge facing early childhood education and the k—12 education system in the United States is the fact that as the population changes, the particular needs of children change with it. One of the largest demographic shifts in the last decade is the increase in the number of children who speak English as their second language. The majority of these children are born in the United States and thus from a very young age are acquiring both the language of their family as well as the language of the larger community. These very young children are dual language learners (DLLs).

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation hosted a second discussion on cultural responsiveness.