Throughout history, many American Indian and Alaska Native communities have experienced intrusive research and judgmental evaluations that have caused harm. As a result, many fears about evaluation persist. Based on the efforts of a Children's Bureau-sponsored workgroup of experts, this video introduces a vision for the future of Tribal child welfare evaluation and a guide for developing culturally and scientifically rigorous evaluation.
Transcript (PDF)(PDF - 233 KB); Descriptive Audio Version
Additional Information
- View the companion video Collaborative & Effective Evaluation in Tribal Communities: The Roles and Voices of Key Stakeholders.
- Read the publication A Roadmap for Collaborative and Effective Evaluation in Tribal Communities. The guide identifies values and priorities that can foster trust and build the knowledge and skills of Tribes, their evaluation partners, and other stakeholders to conduct more useful and meaningful child welfare evaluations.
- Also watch a conference presentation of the Roadmap on YouTube Creating a Strategic Roadmap for Collaborative and Effective Evaluation in Tribal Communities: Panel Presentation at 2013 Tribal Early Childhood Research Center Summer Institute (Descriptive Audio Version available ).