Child Welfare Reviews Project: Overview of Key Tasks for the Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Reviews

Child Welfare Reviews Project: Overview of Key Tasks for the Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Reviews

The Child Welfare Reviews Project assists the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in administering the title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews (FC eligibility reviews). Specifically, the project manages the following activities:

  • Recruiting peer reviewers for the FC eligibility reviews
    The project conducts ongoing recruitment efforts to identify peer reviewers to supplement the Federal team during the onsite component of the FC eligibility reviews.
  • Designing and conducting training for peer reviewers participating in the FC eligibility reviews
    The project conducts three 1-day peer reviewer trainings per year, or as necessary.
  • Supporting the Children's Bureau Regional Office staff in planning the FC eligibility reviews
    The project assists the Children's Bureau Regional Office staff in identifying peer reviewers to supplement the Federal Review Team, disseminating Review Information Packages, and managing the logistical arrangements for peer reviewers (travel, per diem, and honorarium).
  • Formatting and packaging materials for the FC eligibility reviews
    The project assists the Children's Bureau in formatting and packaging guidance materials about the FC eligibility, including the Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide and Onsite Review Instrument and Instructions. The project also works with the appropriate Children's Bureau contractor to post updated materials on the Children's Bureau Web site.
  • Assisting the Children's Bureau Central and Regional Office staff in tracking the status of the reviews
    The project tracks and reports on the status of the FC eligibility reviews and on State PIP activities and milestones.
  • Updating materials for the FC eligibility reviews
    The project updates guidance materials about the FC eligibility, including the Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide and Onsite Review Instrument and Instructions. The project also works with the appropriate Children's Bureau contractor to post the updated materials on the Children's Bureau Web site and Intranet.
  • Preparing reports on topics related to the FC eligibility reviews
    The project prepares reports on estimated national erroneous payments and progress in reducing these, statutory or regulatory barriers to reduction of erroneous payments, State performance with respect to the error rate, and national IV-E monitoring activity on a monthly and annual basis.
  • Revising the estimated national error rate and national erroneous payments for the title IV-E foster care program and providing analytic support to assist the Children's Bureau in reducing the error rate.
    The project tracks disallowances related to the FC eligibility reviews, and revises the national estimate of erroneous payments and payment error rate for the title IV-E foster care program in accordance with the OMB-approved methodology. The project also performs ongoing analysis and provides additional analytic support as needed to assist the Children's Bureau in understanding factors contributing to the error rate and to develop and implement a corrective action plan to reduce erroneous payments.