FY 2022 Children’s Bureau Discretionary Grant Awards

Publication Date: September 30, 2022
Current as of:

The following are the Children’s Bureau discretionary grants awarded in fiscal year (FY) 2022. Each award includes, when available, a link and description of the expired Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), a list of the grant recipients, and a link to their project abstracts.



The purpose of this NOFO was to establish, by awarding a cooperative agreement, a multifaceted national project (AdoptUSKids) to assist states, tribes, and territories in the recruitment and retention of foster and adoptive parents for children in public foster care. The AdoptUSKids project will encompass the following components: (1) a national internet photolisting service for adoption, (2) a national adoption recruitment campaign, (3) a national adoption and foster care information exchange system, (4) adoptive and foster family support activities, (5) capacity-building services for the diligent recruitment and retention of foster/adoptive families, and (6) the Minority Professional Leadership Development program. The first-year award amount is up to $6,900,000, with a project period up to 60 months. 

The grant was awarded to the following organization:

Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of, and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for, Children and Families Affected by Opioids and Other Substance Abuse


The purpose of this funding opportunity was to establish, by cooperative agreement, Regional Partnership Grant (RPG) projects designed to increase well-being; improve permanency; and enhance the safety of children who are in, or at risk of, an out-of-home placement as a result of a parent's or caregiver's opioid or other substance misuse. These RPG projects will provide activities and services through interagency collaboration and integration of programs. Each project will have a collaborative infrastructure that is capable of building its regional capacity to meet a broad range of needs for families involved with child welfare systems, substance use disorder treatment, courts, and other related service organizations while also addressing race equity and support for underserved communities. The first-year award amount is up to $600,000, with a project period up to 60 months. 

Grants were awarded to the following entities:

Standing Announcement for Tribal Title IV-E Plan Development Grants


The purpose of this NOFO was to provide grants to tribes, tribal organizations, or tribal consortia that are seeking to develop and, within 24 months of grant receipt, submit to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a plan to implement a title IV-E foster care, adoption assistance, and—at tribal option—guardianship assistance program. Grant funds under this NOFO may be used for the cost of developing a title IV-E plan under section 471 of the Social Security Act (the Act) to carry out a program under section 479B of the Act. The grant may be used for costs related to the development of data-collection systems, a cost-allocation methodology, agency and tribal court procedures necessary to meet the case review system requirements under section 475(5) of the Act, or any other costs attributable to meeting any other requirement necessary for approval of a title IV-E plan. The award amount is up to $300,000, with one 24-month project period.

A grant was awarded to the following tribe: