The Kinship Navigator Program

Publication Date: June 27, 2024
Current as of:

The Family First Prevention Services Act enacted as part of Public Law (PL) 115 -123, amended Title IV-E to allow title IV-E agencies the option to receive funding for evidence-based kinship navigator programs that meet certain criteria.  Kinship navigator programs help relative and kin caregivers learn about and access programs and services to meet their own needs and the needs of the children they are raising.

Kinship Navigator Programs must meet the requirements described in section 427(a)(1) of the Social Security Act, as follows: 

  • shall be coordinated with other state or local agencies who promote service coordination or referral services which may include 2-1-1- or 3-1-1 information systems, 
  • shall be planned and operated in consultation with kinship caregivers, youth raised in kinship care, and organizations representing the caregivers interests and provide outreach to kinship families,
  • shall establish information and referral services that link kinship caregivers with relevant training and legal assistance.  
  • shall provide outreach to kinship care families, including by establishing, distributing, and updating a kinship care website, or other relevant guides or outreach materials, and
  • shall promote partnerships between public and private agencies across the sectors including schools, community based or faith-based organizations, and relevant government agencies, to increase their knowledge of the needs of kinship care families

Title IV-E agencies approved to operate the program may claim 50 percent Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for allowable kinship navigator programs.  Title IV-E Kinship Navigator Program requires use of program models that have been reviewed and rated by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse as meeting promising, supported, or well-supported practice standards.

To apply to participate in the program, title IV-E agencies must submit an attachment to their title IV-E plan, following guidance provided in Program Instruction ACYF-CB-PI-18-11.

As of November 2024, five states are approved to operate the program: Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina and Utah.