A five volume Guide with instructions, quizzes, examples, and tools that provide guidance and support
The Permanency Innovations Initiative Training and Technical Assistance Project team developed the Guide to Developing, Implementing, and Assessing an Innovation (the Guide) to help individuals and teams use the Development, Implementation, and Assessment Approach. Each volume of the Guide includes instructions, quizzes, real-world examples, and tools that provide guidance and support.
The Guide includes an introduction and five volumes:
Introduction (PDF) – The introduction provides background information, instructions for using the Guide, and an index listing the major topics and their locations.
Volume 1: Teaming and Communication (PDF) – The activities in this volume assist with organizational elements that begin prior to the exploration stage and continue throughout the implementation process. These activities include assembling effective teams, developing a plan for team interaction, writing a team charter, and developing a strategy to ensure teams communicate with maximum efficiency.
Volume 2: Exploration (PDF) – This volume includes activities that help define the target population and desired outcomes of change, create and promote buy-in for an innovation, and plan for implementing the innovation. These activities assist in creating readiness for change, examining the degree to which proposed innovations meet the needs of children and families, and determining whether the innovations are appropriate for a given organization and if their implementation is feasible.
Volume 3: Installation (PDF) – The activities described in this volume are critical for successfully implementing an innovation and provide a solid foundation for ensuring that the structural and functional changes necessary to support the implementation are in place. It provides guidance for developing protocols for staff selection, training, coaching, and fidelity assessments.
Volume 4: Initial Implementation (PDF) – This volume provides guidance on testing critical elements and modifying components to improve innovation processes and ensure that implementation supports are reinforcing the right processes.
Volume 5: Full Implementation (PDF) – This volume includes activities that help ensure teams are in place, continuously improve and sustain the innovation, and ready the environment for organizational and system changes. It provides guidance about continuously improving the implementation of the innovation and planning to sustain it—if it is effective—through data-driven decision-making and feedback loops.