Safety Assessment Family Evaluation—Family Connections (SAFE-FC) Program Manual

Publication Date: October 4, 2016
Current as of:


This PII grantee program manual provides detailed information about the implementation process of the Washoe County Department of Social Services (WCDSSS) Safety Assessment Family Evaluation—Family Connections (SAFE-FC) program. Its purpose is to assist others in the field in replicating or adapting SAFE-FC for their local use. Readers will find background information, lessons learned, and other practical information based on the experience of the WCDSS team. The manual can be especially helpful if you are considering implementation of the intervention, interested in addressing the needs of similar target populations, or interested in lessons learned from real-world implementation experiences. Together, the PII program manuals help to build a base of replicable interventions that can serve the complex needs of diverse communities of children and families.
