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Fact Sheet for Youth

Round 4 of the CFSRs
August 23, 2022

This fact sheet describes the CFSR process and how youth can get involved.

Fact Sheet for Community Providers

Round 4 of the CFSRs
August 23, 2022

This fact sheet describes the CFSR process and how community providers can get involved.

Fact Sheet for Foster and Adoptive Parents

Round 4 of the CFSRs
August 23, 2022

This fact sheet describes the CFSR process and how foster and adoptive parents can get involved.

Hoja Informativa para Oficiales Elegidos

Ronda 4 de las Revisiones de Servicios para Menores y Familias
August 10, 2022

CFSR Round 4 Elected Officials Factsheet - Spanish

Fact Sheet for Parents and Caregivers

Round 4 of the CFSRs
August 10, 2022

CFSR Round 4 Parents and Caregivers Factsheet (available in Spanish).

Fact Sheet for Caseworkers

Round 4 of the CFSRs
August 10, 2022

This factsheet describes the Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs) process and how caseworkers can get involved.

Fact Sheet for Tribal Child Welfare Officials

Round 4 of the CFSRs
July 12, 2022

This factsheet presents information for tribal child welfare officials about the Child and Family Services Reviews, such as the purpose and process.

This factsheet provides an overview of the Child and Family Services Reviews, including its background and the process.

This tip sheet provides information about engaging youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or other diverse identity in both virtual and in-person settings.

This tip sheet provides information about working with families of youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or other diverse identity, including ideas for preparing agency staff and tips for connecting with families.