NYTD Technical Assistance

Publication Date: August 21, 2012
Current as of:

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Help Desk

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)

User Account Requests

  • State User Account Request Form  (PDF)  - This form can be used to add, edit or remove a state user account. New users must sign the State User Security Compliance Statement at the end of this form.
  • State Authorized Official Registration Form  (PDF)  - This form can be used to add, edit or remove a state authorized official who can submit user account requests on behalf of the state. New authorized officials must sign the State User Security Compliance Statement at the end of the form.
  • Federal User Account Request Form  (PDF)  - Use this form to add, edit or remove a federal staff user account. Federal users must have a Personal Identify Verification (PIV) card to access the system. New federal users must sign the Federal User Security Compliance Statement at the end of the form.

Please submit all forms to the NYTD Help Desk

NYTD Technical Bulletins 

Technical bulletins summarize technical and system related guidance for states collecting child welfare data through the NYTD data system.

NYTD Technical Updates

Technical updates provide state users with instructional guidance related to system function upgrades made to the NYTD portal.

NYTD Technical Assistance Briefs

Technical assistance briefs summarize technical and regulatory guidance for states collecting child welfare data through the NYTD data system.

NYTD In Practice

NYTD in Practice publications provide resources to help the NYTD workforce.