National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Help Desk
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Hours of Operation: Monday — Friday 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM ET
**We are closed on Federal Holidays**
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)
User Account Requests
- State User Account Request Form (PDF) - This form can be used to add, edit or remove a state user account. New users must sign the State User Security Compliance Statement at the end of this form.
- State Authorized Official Registration Form (PDF) - This form can be used to add, edit or remove a state authorized official who can submit user account requests on behalf of the state. New authorized officials must sign the State User Security Compliance Statement at the end of the form.
- Federal User Account Request Form (PDF) - Use this form to add, edit or remove a federal staff user account. Federal users must have a Personal Identify Verification (PIV) card to access the system. New federal users must sign the Federal User Security Compliance Statement at the end of the form.
Please submit all forms to the NYTD Help Desk
NYTD Technical Bulletins
Technical bulletins summarize technical and system related guidance for states collecting child welfare data through the NYTD data system.
- TB #1: File Structure
- TB #2: Compliance Standards
- TB #3: Data Quality Advisories
- TB #4: System User Roles and Responsibilities
- TB #5: Cohort Management and Sampling
NYTD Technical Updates
Technical updates provide state users with instructional guidance related to system function upgrades made to the NYTD portal.
NYTD Technical Assistance Briefs
Technical assistance briefs summarize technical and regulatory guidance for states collecting child welfare data through the NYTD data system.
- TA Brief #1: Mapping NYTD Race Information
- TA Brief #2: Understanding the Baseline Population Data Collection Requirement
- TA Brief #3: Surveying Youth with Special Needs or Limited English Proficiency
- TA Brief #4: Enhancing a SACWIS to Collect and Report NYTD Data
- TA Brief #5: Designing an Informed Consent Form for Use with the Youth Outcome Survey
- TA Brief #6: Understanding Incentives and Motivators for Participation in the Youth Outcome Survey
- TA Brief #7: Calculating Sample Size for the NYTD Follow-up Population
- TA Brief #8: Understanding the Appropriate Use of Skip Logic in the Youth Outcome Survey
- TA Brief #9: Performing Quality Assurance on Baseline Outcomes Data in Preparation for Surveying the Follow-up Population
- TA Brief #10: Summary of Guidance, Tips and Recommendations Related to Surveying the Age 19 Follow-up Population
- TA Brief #11: Reporting Youth Record Numbers to NYTD
- TA Brief #12: Summary of Guidance, Tips and Recommendations for Surveying the Baseline Population
- TA Brief #13: Summary of Guidance, Tips, and Recommendations Related to Surveying the Age 21 Follow-up Population (Federal Fiscal Year 2021)
- TA Brief #14: NYTD Survey Questions
- TA Brief #15: Mapping Common Elements Across Data Collection Systems
- TA Brief #16: NYTD Reporting Populations and Cohort Schedule
NYTD In Practice
NYTD in Practice publications provide resources to help the NYTD workforce.
- Tips for Administering the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Building a Social Media Presence
- Tips for Engaging 17-Year-Olds in the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Hiring and Building Rapport With Young People With Lived Experience
- Tips for Using Social Media to Locate and Engage Young People in the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Using Technology to Locate and Engage 19- and 21-Year-Olds in the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Using and Supplementing NYTD Data Snapshots