From Waterfall to Agile: Managing Cultural Change and Impacts Across Stakeholder Groups

Publication Date: December 17, 2014
Current as of:

As Agile continues to grow in popularity, more organizations are experiencing the frustration associated with attempts to move from traditional waterfall to Agile practices. Agile requires more than simply knowing how to do Scrum; it involves organizational and cultural change. Leaders of successful Agile projects recognize and manage this cultural change and the impacts it has on all stakeholders.

Our webinar, "From Waterfall to Agile: Managing Cultural Change and Impacts Across Stakeholder Groups," presents the experience of several states in implementing the Agile methodology and the various impacts on stakeholder groups. Presenters include Kevin Burt, Assistant Director for the Eligibility Services Division, Utah Department of Workforce Services; Wade Owen, Technical Director, Utah Child Welfare Management System (SAFE); and Tom Kine, Minnesota Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information Systems Manager and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Application and Development Supervisor.