Income Withholding and Medical Support for Federal Workers’ Compensation – Answers for State Agencies
- Are federal employees covered by Workers’ Compensation?
- How do I determine whether a noncustodial parent (NCP) is receiving workers’ compensation as a federal employee?
- Is health insurance continued for an NCP receiving workers’ compensation?
- Can federal workers' compensation benefits be garnished for child support?
- Where do I send the Income Withholding for Support order (IWO) or the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) when the NCP is receiving workers’ compensation as a federal employee?
- Do I need to include a claim number on the IWO or correspondence?
- Does the DOL need a court order in addition to an IWO to implement withholding?
- Who should I contact for more information?
Are federal employees covered by Workers’ Compensation?
Yes, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) provides workers’ compensation for civilian federal employees who are injured on the job.
How do I determine whether a noncustodial parent (NCP) is receiving workers’ compensation as a federal employee?
Your state child support agency can determine if an NCP receives workers' compensation through the OCSS insurance match program. The insurance match includes monthly data from DOL. The DOL file is matched against the OCSS debtor file to identify federal employees on worker's compensation who are in arrears for child support. The matches are sent monthly to the states.
Is health insurance continued for an NCP receiving workers’ compensation?
Yes, workers’ compensation claimants may continue health care coverage while on workers’ compensation for the first year. If claimants receive workers’ compensation longer than one year, they must have either been enrolled in a Federal Employees Health Benefits plan for five years or enrolled at their first opportunity to remain covered after one year. DOL’s workers’ compensation program also honors Spouse Equity, Temporary Continuation of Coverage and the Child Equity Act of 2000 to ensure coverage for dependents.
Can federal workers’ compensation benefits be garnished for child support?
Yes, you can garnish federal workers’ compensation benefits for child support.
Where do I send the Income Withholding for Support order (IWO) or the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) when the NCP is receiving workers’ compensation as a federal employee?
You should send the IWO and/or NMSN to:
Office of Workers’ Compensation Program
PO Box 8300
London, KY 40742 -
Do I need to include a claim number on the IWO or correspondence?
Yes, place the claimant’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) claim number on any correspondence, so the incoming mail can be correctly associated with the case file. If you need the OWCP claim number, you should contact the Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation District Office for your region.
Does DOL need a court order in addition to an IWO to implement withholding?
DOL accepts an IWO from state agencies, courts and attorneys without a court order although their regulations require a court order. DOL may ask the employing federal agency, the court or a custodial party to send a court order.
Who should I contact for more information?
You should contact the Division of Federal Employees' Compensation District Office for your region.