OMB 0970-0154
Income Withholding for Support (IWO) Order/Notice
The IWO is the OMB-approved form (PDF) used for income withholding in tribal, intrastate, and interstate cases as well as all child support orders that were initially issued in the state on or after January 1, 1994, and all child support orders that were initially issued (or modified) in the state before January 1, 1994 if arrearages occur. This form is the standard format prescribed by the Secretary in accordance with USC 42 §666(b)(6)(A)(ii). The OMB-approved IWO must be issued to employers or other income payers to collect child support.
IWO Instructions
The IWO instructions (PDF) provide guidance for completing the OMB-approved IWO form. The instructions describe the contents of each field and identify fields that are mandatory or optional.
IWO Sample Form
This IWO sample form (PDF) has numbered fields that correspond to the numbers in the instructions.