Cooperative Agreement

Publication Date: December 12, 2023
Current as of:

Cooperative Agreement

When a grant is issued under a cooperative agreement, the Office of Child Support Services anticipates substantial involvement in these activities related to the grant, in addition to those activities mentioned in Section I of the Notice of Funding Opportunity:

  • Consulting to each recipient on developing and implementing the program design; addressing problems that arise, and identifying technical assistance needs
  • Reviewing evaluation plans developed by recipients and their contractor to promote high-quality, consistent, and accurate data collection and cross-site comparisons
  • Providing timely review, comments, and decisions on inquiries and documents submitted by recipients
  • Ensuring a workshop for recipients is held in Washington, DC, during the planning year and final year of program funding to promote coordination, information sharing, and access to resources, training, and learning opportunities
  • Ensuring teleconferences and webinars are regularly held among recipients to promote coordination, information sharing, and access to resources, training, and learning opportunities
  • Addressing issues or problems identified by the recipient, ACF, or others on the program’s ability to carry out the full range of activities in the approved application efficiently and effectively