Grant Closeout Procedures

Publication Date: December 12, 2023
Current as of:

Closeout Procedures

Grant recipients must submit the final Performance Progress Report (SF-PPR (PDF)) and final Federal Financial Report (SF-425) within 90 calendar days after the project period end date.

  • Both reports should cover the entire project period and be submitted in addition to the semi-annual progress and financial reports for the last six-month period of the project.
  • You must liquidate funds within 90 calendar days for obligations entered into before the end of the project period.
  • Upload the final SF-PPR in GrantSolutions as a Grant Note.
  • Upload the final SF-425 to the Payment Management System.

ACF will not accept final reports submitted in the undesignated depository. Contact your Grants Management Specialist or Federal Project Officer if you have questions about submitting final reports.
