Post-Award Amendment: AOR Change

Publication Date: December 4, 2023
Current as of:

Change in Authorized Organizational Representative 

A change in Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) is required for any permanent change or temporary change that will last at least 90 days.

Required Document

Dated cover letter signed by the current AOR or designee that contains:

  • Grant Award Number and Grantee Organization Name 
  • New AOR contact information (name, title, business phone number, and business email address)
  • Effective date of the change 
  • Completed SF-424 signed by the current AOR or designee

Note: ACF will not accept documentation signed by the requested new AOR as that individual has not been officially approved by ACF. In the event the recipient is unable to obtain valid signatures from the current AOR or designee, ACF will accept signatures from an authorized official such as the Board Chairman or someone in a higher position than the AOR within the organization.

A resume, biographical sketch, or curriculum vitae is not required for an AOR change request.

How to Submit a Request for Change in AOR 

Grant recipients must submit requests for Change in AOR in the GrantSolutions Grants Management Module as an amendment:

  • Under Actions, select “Manage Amendments”
  • Select “New”
  • Select “Change in Grantee Authorizing Official (Type 6)”
  • Click “Create Amendment”
