Next Generation Child Support Employment Services (NextGen)

Current as of:

In August 2024, OCSS awarded Section 1115 grant and waiver funding to two California counties, Cherokee Nation, Lac Courte Oreilles, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nooksack Indian Tribe, Virginia, and Washington to implement the Next Generation Child Support Employment Services Demonstration (PDF) (NextGen). The goal is to expand and enhance child support-led employment services for noncustodial parents to increase the reliable payment of child support and improve the financial well-being of children. 

OCSS also awarded a cooperative agreement (PDF) to Michigan to provide technical assistance and evaluate the NextGen demonstration projects and up to six related section 1115 waiver projects. 

Grant Announcement

OCSS awards $8.1 million to expand employment and training programs.

Read press release

NextGen Invests in Employment Programs

Grant will help recipients develop and refine employment efforts for noncustodial parents.

Read blog