2023 Open Comment Period – Tribal Budget and Narrative Justification Template
DATE: January 25, 2023
TO: Tribal IV-D Directors
SUBJECT: 2023 Open Comment Period — Tribal Budget and Narrative Justification Template
- Tribal Budget and Narrative Justification Template - Word (DOCX)
- Tribal Budget and Narrative Justification Template - Excel (XLSX)
Dear Colleague:
In compliance with section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Administration for Children and Families is required to solicit public comments to renew the optional tribal budget template forms, Tribal Budget and Narrative Justification. As of January 23, 2023, a notice for public comment has been posted to the Federal Register, Volume 88, Number 14, page 3995 (PDF).
The templates are optional forms tribes may use to prepare the annual budget and narrative justification estimates in accordance with the tribal child support enforcement regulations. The optional templates are designed to improve efficiency and establish uniformity and consistency in the annual budget submission and review process. To receive child support funding under 45 CFR Part 309 , tribes and tribal organizations must submit the financial forms described in 45 CFR 309.130(b) and other forms, as the Secretary may designate, due no later than August 1. Tribes operating an approved tribal child support enforcement program may use the Excel or Word version of the templates when submitting their application for annual funding.
Please send your comments to the Reports Clearance Officer at OCSE.Tribal@acf.hhs.gov. When commenting, please reference Proposed Information Collection Activity; Tribal Budget and Narrative Justification Template (OMB #: 0970-0548). OCSE will consider all comments received by March 24, 2023.
Tanguler Gray
Office of Child Support Enforcement