Enrollment in CAP Service for International Payments


Publication Date: January 26, 2023
Current as of:



DATE: January 26, 2023

TO: State IV-D Directors

SUBJECT: Enrollment in CAP Service for International Payments

Dear Colleague:

As described in DCL-22-14, the new Central Authority Payment (CAP) service launched by OCSE helps states send international child support payments electronically. CAP is successfully transmitting payments from our two pilot states, Georgia and Michigan, to Germany and is ready to begin services with all states. 

States interested in enrolling in OCSE’s CAP service should email the CAP team at CAP_Program@acf.hhs.gov. The CAP team will provide enrollment information, including technical requirements, and work with you on setup and testing.

Prior to enrollment, you must reconcile your caseloads with Germany. We will not process an enrollment package until reconciliation is complete. To arrange case reconciliation, email the German Central Authority at international.payments@bfj.bund.de and copy the CAP team.

As a reminder, although the Germany Federal Office of Justice continues to accept payments by check until March 20, 2023, Germany will return any checks sent for less than $50 or checks bundled with more than one case.

OCSE will host a conference call in February to answer your questions and discuss the CAP service. Email questions to the CAP team at CAP_Program@acf.hhs.gov


Tanguler Gray
Office of Child Support Enforcement