Final Rule: Regulatory Clean Up Initiative


Publication Date: December 2, 2020
Current as of:



DATE: December 2, 2020

TO: State and Tribal IV-D Agencies

SUBJECT: Final Rule: Regulatory Clean Up Initiative

ATTACHMENT: Regulatory Clean Up Initiative published in Federal Register  (PDF)

The Regulatory Clean Up Initiative final rule was published in the Federal Register on November 16, 2020. It addresses miscellaneous corrections to the Code of Federal Regulations, including correcting references to other regulations, misspellings, and other typographical errors. The U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the rule to inform the public of these non-substantive changes to HHS’s regulations.

The final rule impacts several HHS regulations, including several changes to the Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Office of Inspector General, and Administration for Children and Families. The changes made to the Office of Child Support Enforcement regulations are listed below:

  • 45 CFR Part 305.0: We are amending the sentence to clarify the section by replacing “Sections 305.40 through 305.42 …” with “Sections 305.40, 305.42 …” which removes the first instance of “through” in the sentence and replaces it with a comma.
  • 45 CFR Part 307.5(d)(3): We are removing the incorrect reference to 45 CFR 305.99 and replacing it with the correct reference 45 CFR 305.66.

ACTION REQUIRED: Review the final rule  (PDF) for all effects to HHS.

REFERENCES: 45 CFR 305 and 307.

EFFECTIVE DATE: The final rule revisions go into effect December 16, 2020.

INQUIRIES: Contact your OCSE Regional Program Specialist or the Division of Policy and Training at

Linda Boyer
Deputy Commissioner
Office of Child Support Enforcement