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Updates use of 1115 waivers to fund employment projects, considering elimination of tribal share effective October 2024

Section 1115 Grant Funding Process - Update

June 10, 2024

Updates process for applying for Section 1115 grants and explains that tribal programs are no longer eligible to apply as of October 1, 2024

Submit the SF-424 Mandatory Form to ensure that ACF has accurate grant information on state child support agencies

Grant Closeout Procedures

December 12, 2023

Provides instructions for closing out a Section 1115 grant

Cooperative Agreement

December 12, 2023

Describes OCSS involvement in grant actitivities

Provides instructions for requesting additional time to complete project objectives without additional funding

Provides instructions for changing project objectives or purposes

Provides instructions for replacing the Principal Investigator or Project Director

Provides instructions for making a temporary or permanent change to the Authorized Organizational Representative

Provides steps on revising the budget of a Section 1115 grant award