FAST Levy Overview

Publication Date: June 9, 2016
Current as of:

OCSE worked with child support agencies and financial institutions to develop a central, standardized, electronic process to exchange information about levying accounts to collect past-due support. In 2015, we implemented the Federally Assisted State Transmitted (FAST) Levy program, which allows child support agencies to create levy actions for distribution to multiple financial institutions, and allows financial institutions to receive and respond to levy actions from multiple states — all processed by OCSE.

FAST Levy:

  • Reduces costs
  • Increases efficiency to collect past-due child support
  • Gets support to families faster

Participation in FAST Levy is voluntary for both child support agencies and financial institutions.

The FAST Levy Software Interface Specification describes the requirements to exchange information, including:

  • File naming conventions
  • File type
  • E-mail notifications
  • Transaction record layouts

For more information about FAST Levy, contact us at