G: Drive for Video Content

November 14, 2017
Photo of computer to depict G: Drive

Did you know ACF employees can use the network G: drive for file management? We created a folder for each program office under an OC\video directory on the G: drive for video and other multimedia files.
Note: Only those within the ACF firewall will have access to the G: drive.

If you are within ACF and do not have access to the G: drive, contact your Administrative Officer who will submit a request for you. Your Administrative Officer will ask for the specific path to the G: drive.  Here is the path to our G: drive:

To see if you have access to the G: drive:

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. View the list of network drive options listed in the left panel.
  3. If you see the G: drive try to access the OC directory we created to see if you see your program office directory.
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