
The report content type is a structured landing page that displays a visually appealing, plain-language overview of ACF research, reports, and analysis. It helps users scan key details and understand major takeaways before reading the entire document.

When to Use

  • Use the report content type to highlight ACF research publications, briefs, and annual/Congressional reports

When to Avoid

  • Do not use the ACF report content type to highlight research, reports, publications, or briefs that aren’t conducted by ACF or funded with ACF contract dollars
  • Avoid featuring grantee research or data without specific permissions since ACF doesn’t “own” the product (Contact OC to consider exceptions)


  • All reports should include a thumbnail image (i.e. cover art) to provide a visual element
  • Section titles may be edited for Congressional Report overviews only
  • Required fields (marked below with an asterisk) must be completed in order to save and display with the proper structure
  • Fields that are not populated with content will not display publicly
  • You may check a box if you wish to hide the publication date from public view
  • Checking the appropriate box will make a report item available in feature sections across your site (optional)
  • Meta tags auto-populate with default images to increase social sharing of ACF research/reports but editors may edit meta tags with more customized images.
  • Only the introduction and research questions appear expanded when the page first loads. This helps users get an overview of the content, and also increases usability on mobile devices

Report Components

The Report Content Type has several fields to provide flexibility for displaying research and report publications. For greater consistency across program offices all fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Only fields populated with content will be visible on the front end.

Example of a Published Report Content Type (Front End Display)


Editing Screen

The report content type has a number of fields on the back end that will only display on the front end if populated with content. Fields marked with an asterisk are required


1.    Title*: Enter a descriptive title for the report content--use-specific keywords in the title for better SEO.
2.    Permalink*: The permalink will generate automatically when the title is entered the first time. It may be adjusted. It will not automatically update when the page title is changed. This is the URL for the page.
3.    Subtitle: Enter the subtitle for the report in this field. This text will appear beneath the title of the report.
4.    Summary*: Enter a brief description to provide context for your report content. This will appear in search results.
5.    Download Report: Attach the report/publication as a 508 compliant format (PDF), Insert thumbnail cover art, and the number of pages in the document.
6.    Introduction: Use this section to enter executive summary or overview for the report. Expanded by default.
7.    Research Questions: Provide a list of questions research sought to prove or answer. 

8.    Office Information*: Select the relevant office and group from the drop-down menus. The office information drop-down includes a place to enter the publication date for the node.’ 
9.    Taxonomy*: This is a list of terms that classify the following fields to help aggregate and filter reports: Audiences, ACF Issues*, Programs and Program Topics. ACF issues taxonomy is required for publishing the node.


10. Purpose: Explain why research was conducted. What is the current problem and why is it important?
11.    Key Findings and Highlights: This section should provide your audience with significant takeaways from the research.
12.    Methods: Briefly describe the research goals and methodology.
13.    Recommendations: Feature key recommendations outlined in the report, if applicable.
14.    Appendix: Attach assets for research appendix files.
15.    Related Documents: Attach assets for related documents to be featured in context with research/publication i.e. datasets.
16.    Citation: Insert suggested citation for publication/research.
17.    Glossary: Enter list of terms or acronyms used on the report landing page that users may not know. Each should have a short explanation. The term name is in all caps followed by a colon.
18.     Advanced: Select the report type from the drop down: Congressional Reports, Annual Reports, Brief, or Research


19.    Thumbnail Image: Upload a high-resolution image, it will automatically be scaled to 100px × 100px.
20.    Topics (OPRE only): Select the relevant topic associated with the report to associate with OPRE research topics.
21.    Projects (OPRE only): Select the project associated with the research publication.

22.    Files: Select any relevant files for the event by selecting the Select Files button.
23.    Sidebar Content: Related Resources: Attach assets for related documents to be featured in context with research/publication i.e. datasets. Directly Related Research: Display reusable or related content to the research or topic. This content includes any reusable related content such as Quick Facts, Resources, and Success Stories.
24.    Save/Preview/Delete*: Use these buttons to save, preview, or delete the page. Always save before previewing changes.


Administrative Elements

  • Workflows/Review: Reports follow standard program office vetting and editorial workflow to ensure accuracy, clarity, and consistent messaging.  OC Review not required to publish report content types in Drupal. Featured reports should be included in annual content reviews.
  • Metadata/Social Share: Requires a default thumbnail “cover” image if there is none for social sharing
  • Syndication: Currently, report content is not syndicated to the HHS Storefront.
  • Archive: Reports follow standard archive schedule outlined in the ACF Archive Guidance and should be moved to an archive site after the appropriate time period.