Contact Information

Contact Information

Target User: Content Editor


The Contact Information content type lists programs, partner or other stakeholder contacts.

When to Use

Use this content type to display simple  lists of names, numbers and/or emails for  programs, ACF offices or other stakeholders.

When to Avoid

Avoid using this content type when you want to feature contact information in a map. Use the map content type to generate an interactive map with points of contact.


In creating a page plain language must be used throughout. The readability level should not be higher than 9th grade level.

Contact Information Components

This is a live view of the Contact Information content type

screenshot of the ACF program contact page


Editing Screen

This content type has standard fields to ensure consistency across program offices. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Only fields populated with content will be visible on the front end.

screenshot of ACF Program Contact editing page
  1. Title*: Enter a descriptive title for the Contact Information content type--use page-specific keywords in the title for better SEO.
  2. Permalink*: The permalink will generate automatically when the title is entered the first time. It may be adjusted. It will not automatically update when the page title is changed. This is the URL for the page.
  3. Subtitle: Enter a subtitle, if applicable. This text will appear beneath the title of the content type.
  4. Summary: Enter a brief description to provide context for your list of contacts. This will appear in search results.
  5. Body*: Provide an up-to-date list or table of points of contact to include names, address, email,  phone numbers, and/or website URL along with any other relevant info. 
  6. Office Information*: Select the relevant office and editorial group from the drop-down menus. The office information section includes a place to enter the *publication date.
  7. Taxonomy*: Select relevant terms to ensure appropriate tagging for the following fields: Audiences, *ACF Issues, Programs and Program Topics. ACF issues are required for publishing.
edit page screenshot for ACF Program Contact thumbnail image area


  1. Resource Library Items: Use these items to upload thumbnail images, related resources or files by selecting from the respective drop-down menus.
  2. Save/Preview/Delete*: Use these buttons to save, preview, or delete content. Always save before previewing changes.