Building, Launch, and Cleanup

Building the Site

The responsive site will be built parallel to your existing site, meaning your current site will exist until we’re ready to launch the redesigned site. Once the new site is fully populated and tested, the old site will be taken down, and the new site put in its place.

This will be collaboration between Digital Communications and the Program Office.  

Program Offices can create and populate simple pages. The Digital Communications team may build out more complex pages, and then have the Program Office populate the content.

Example Process

To manage the workflow and volume, here’s an example process:

  1. All the content is completed for one of the primary navigation elements (About, Programs, etc.)
  2. The teams discuss the content to divide up the work of building pages.
  3. The Program Office populates the pages with crafted content.
  4. Once the section has been completed, it will be distributed for review.

Launch and Cleanup

Once the parallel site is ready, the developers launch the site so the responsive design is visible and all new pages and navigation is active.

Any pages remaining from the old site can now be deleted.