ACF Archive Schedule

Current as of:

ACF follows the HHS archive schedule for content lifecycle management. Please follow the standard schedule, unless your program office has an approved justification to opt out. 

Please note:

  • This schedule does not replace program-specific records retention schedule on file with NARA (managed offline) that determines when official records should be archived.
  • Only Site Administrators can delete content/media files.  Please submit deletion requests to including pertinent details ex. Page or file name, URL(s), cause for deletion, and date of desired deletion.


Type of Content Timeline to Remove from Site*
Administration specific Change of Administration
Agendas Do not archive; delete after six months
Announcements Do not archive; delete after six months
Blogs Standard Schedule* or when retired
Brochures Do not archive; delete after six months
Budget, financial, and performance documents Standard Schedule*
Carousel slides Do not archive; update, if needed or delete after three months
Content, Program When superseded
Funding & announcements When next cycle occurs
Grant Applications When next cycle occurs
News items/highlights (website) Do not archive; update, if needed; otherwise delete after three months
Newsletters Standard Schedule*
News releases Standard Schedule*
Meeting Announcements Do not archive; delete after six months
Mini-sites When retired
Policies & Guidance When superseded
Plans When superseded
Presentations Do not archive; delete after six months
Quick Facts Do not archive; update, if needed or delete after three months
Regulations When superseded
Reports to Congress Standard Schedule*
Reports, Research, Studies Standard Schedule*
Resigning Officials (political) Upon retirement (blogs, speeches, videos)
Speeches Change of Administration Or Standard Schedule (whichever is earlier)*
Success Stories Do not archive; update, if needed or delete after three months
Testimony Change of Administration Or Standard Schedule (whichever is earlier)*
Training When retired
Training Announcements Do not archive; delete after six months
Websites When retired

* The standard retention schedule for dated reference materials is to archive annually, retaining two full years on the live site, if needed. For example, 2021 news releases should be archived in January 2023 keeping at least two full years and no more than three years of content available, unless there's a change in administration.

This standard retention schedule can be extended after demonstration by the content owner that older content is regularly and routinely accessed by the public. Note that while the content-lifecycle management guidance requires us to review content annually, content can be re-evaluated, as needed.
