These resources provide strategies on using networks and other support systems for ECE providers.
Developing and Strengthening Infant Toddler Specialist Networks (PDF)
This revised publication offers a focus on equity for infants, toddlers, their families, and caregivers to ensure equal opportunities and optimal outcomes for all. Those invested in leading quality I/T care can use this document in several ways. The first section of this guide explores the rationale for adopting and implementing ITSNs as a promising approach to improve the quality of I/T care. The second section explores the critical components of an ITSN. The third section outlines the four stages of successful network implementation: exploration, installation, initial implementation, and full implementation. Each section is sequential, but may be revisited at any time during ITSN implementation. Additional resources section. Includes a variety of resources to assist in implementing the strategies laid out in this guide.
Creating the Conditions for Family Child Care to Thrive (PDF)
This publication presents a framework for how state and local leaders can create the conditions for family child care to thrive in their communities, thereby increasing the supply, quality, and sustainability of child care options that meet the needs of all families. We offer concrete strategies--at the intersection of policy and practice--across six domains. By working across these six domains, we believe that we can build a comprehensive early child care and education system that values family child care and works for all children and families--including those that face the greatest barriers to accessing care.
"Everybody Benefits": Family Child Care Providers' Perspectives on Partnering with Early Head Start (PDF)
This study explores licensed family child care providers' perspectives on the benefits and challenges of partnering with an agency to deliver Early Head Start services. Qualitative interviews revealed family child care providers believe that the benefits of partnerships with Early Head Start include: increased quality of care to children and families, stabilized income, strengthened business viability, and ongoing supervision.