Supporting a Mixed Delivery Early Childhood Education System

What is Mixed Delivery Early Childhood Education?

Mixed delivery ECE is the coordinated effort on the part of states, territories, tribes, and local communities to support ECE services across a range of quality settings, building on the strengths and capacity of all provider types, to help meet the varied needs of children and families. In a mixed delivery ECE system, families have their choice of access to affordable, high-quality ECE services across a range of settings, including center-based child care providers, schools, family child care homes, and Head Start funded programs. Effective mixed delivery ECE systems have the potential to offer more choices to serve additional families; reduce the cost of care for families by leveraging public funding; improve the reach and efficiency of state and federal public ECE investments; and offer more seamless, higher quality care to meet comprehensive child development and family work support needs. 

Successfully implementing a mixed delivery ECE system requires careful planning, collaborative decision-making, and coordination of public funding among leaders across Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)Head Start, state/local preschool, and other funding streams. Key features of a successful mixed delivery ECE system include: 

  • Coordinated governance and oversight structures
  • Aligned policies across program models and settings
  • Coordination of program enrollment across program models and settings
  • Coordinated financing approaches (e.g., leveraging multiple funding streams through braiding, layering, and/or blending to improve access to high-quality ECE)
  • Early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDS)


Technical Assistance

Explore Resources and Tools to help states, territories, tribes, and local programs build infrastructure and leverage funding sources for a successful mixed delivery ECE system. 

Technical Assistance

Policy Guidance

Access policy guidance and other resources to support states, territories, tribes and local programs in understanding and implementing the standards, regulations, and laws relevant to implementing a mixed delivery approach to ECE.

Policy Guidance

Research & Data

Learn from research, data, and exemplars of what we know about the implementation and impact of mixed delivery approaches to ECE.

Research and Data