Grantee Name: Alternatives for Girls
Detroit, MI
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Celia Thomas
Phone: (313) 361-4000, ext. 226
Award Amount: $975,000
Alternatives for Girls implements the Lead Her and Sassy Science curricula with 200 African-American and Latina girls annually ages 14 to 19 in afterschool and community programs in Detroit, MI. The organization provides students with education on the following adulthood preparation topics: healthy relationships, financial literacy, educational and career success, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: Bee Busy Learning Academy, Inc.
Houston, TX
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Darcy Padget
Phone: (713) 774-8300
Award Amount: $975,000
Bee Busy Learning Academy in Houston, TX, plans to serve 800 youth annually in the 9th to 11th grade. Their primary target population are African-American and Hispanic youth. The organization uses the Decisions, Responsibility, Empowerment, Accountability, Motivation, and Success program in schools and community-based organizations, and incorporates programming on the following adulthood preparation topics: healthy relationships, financial literacy, educational and career success, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: Capacity Builders
Farmington, NM
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Rachel Nawrocki
Phone: (505) 326-4245
Award Amount: $581,629
Capacity Builders uses the Native STAND curriculum to serve 75 youth annually in grades 9 to 12. The target population is the Navajo youth in the western region of San Juan County of the Navajo Nation. The program provides students with education on the following adulthood preparation topics: healthy relationships, adolescent development, financial literacy, parent-child communication, educational and career success, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: Children's Home Society of Florida
Winter Park, FL
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Shawn Naugle
Phone: (904) 493-8626
Award Amount: $548,060
Children’s Home Society of Florida expects to serve 134 youth annually ages 10 to 17 in the foster care system. The program is implementing the Speak to the Promise, Ability, and Resilience Inside Every Kid curriculum. The program includes a teen mentoring component and incorporates programming on the following adulthood preparation topics; healthy relationships, financial literacy, healthy life skills, and educational and career services.
Grantee Name: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Dr. Leslie Clark
Phone: (323) 361-3917
Award Amount: $960,000
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is projected to serve 600 homeless youth ages 15 to 19 at residential and drop-in programs in Los Angeles County and San Diego County. The grantee is implementing the Project Legacy curriculum, a HIV and substance abuse prevention intervention targeted to homeless youth. Program participants receive programming on four adulthood preparation topics: healthy relationships, adolescent development, and educational and career success.
Grantee Name: ETR Associates
Scotts Valley, CA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Coleen Cantwell
Phone: (831) 440-2186
Award Amount: $837,449
ETR Associates will serve approximately 403 youth annually. Their primary target population is Hispanic youths in the 10th grade at school-based health centers in California. The organization implements a program entitled About Us: A Healthy Relationships Program for Vulnerable Youth, and provides programming on several adulthood preparation subjects to include: healthy relationships parent child communication, and healthy life skills..
Grantee Name: Future Foundation
East Point, GA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Brittany Gray
Phone: (404) 766-0510
Award Amount: $873,549
Future Foundation will serve 400 African-American youth in the 6th to 12th grades through afterschool and community programs. The program implements Lion's Quest, Filling the Gaps Supplement, and Parent Connect curricula. The grantee provides programming on five adulthood preparation subjects: healthy relationships: adolescent development, parent-child communication, healthy life skills, and educational, and career success.
Grantee Name: James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Michael Maurice
Phone: (540) 568-6007
Award Amount: $902,600
James Madison University anticipates serving 320 youth annually ages 14 to 19 in rural Virginia. The university is implementing the Vision of You program with youth who are in detention centers or alternative schools, or who have been referred to Community Service Boards. They seek to educate youth on four adulthood preparation topics: healthy relationships, adolescent development, parent-child communication, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: OhioHealth Research Institute
Columbus, OH
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Robyn Lutz
Phone: (614) 566-9085
Award Amount: $916,297
Ohio Health utilizes the Healthy Adolescent Transitions model to serve approximately 165 white, African American, and Latino pregnant teens ages 13 to 19. Participants are Medicaid recipients or 20-26 weeks gestation. The model is implemented through home visits and interactions via smartphone, telephone calls, and texting. The grantee incorporates programming on the following adulthood preparation subjects: financial literacy, educational and career success, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: Public Health Management Corporation
Philadelphia, PA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Emmy Stup
Phone: (215) 384-8020
Award Amount: $965,000
Public Health Management Corporation uses the Positive Behavior Autism Learning Disability and Mental Health Model to serve youth ages 14 to 19 with a high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. The program is implemented at six schools and community-based organizations. In addition to abstinence and contraceptive education, the grantee provides programming on the following adulthood preparation subjects: healthy relationships, adolescent development, and parent-child communication.
Grantee Name: The Policy & Research Group
New Orleans, LA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Lynne Jenner
Phone: (504) 865-1545
Award Amount: $974,610
The Policy & Research Group serves white and Latino youth ages 14 to 19 who are in the juvenile justice system in rural West Virginia and New Mexico.The program implements a Practice Self Regulations on-line model. The Practice Self Regulations model is an intensive therapeutic teen pregnancy prevention program designed for youth who have experienced trauma. The model will utilize blended learning using a combination of online and face-to-face instruction. The program incorporates the adulthood preparation subjects: healthy relationships, adolescent development, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: Urban Institute
Washington, DC
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Elsa Falkenburger
Phone: (202) 261-5512
Award Amount: $686,332
The Urban Institute is projected to serve 240 African American teens ages 13 to 19 and their caregivers at four public housing communities in Washington, DC. The program implements Sisters Rising, Parents Matter and Brothers Rising curricula. The Urban Institute educates participants on adulthood preparation subjects to include: healthy relationships adolescent development, parent-child communication, and healthy life skills.
Grantee Name: University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Grantee Website:
Contact Name: Mara Decker
Phone: (415) 476-3375
Award Amount: $823,050
The University of California, San Francisco, plans to serve 180 youth annually ages 13 to 19 in Fresno County, CA. Participants are youth who are homeless and unstably housed, minority youth, African American, Hispanic or Native American. The program is implemented in ten schools and community organizations. The program combines existing, in-person, group-based comprehensive sexual health education with wraparound digital technologies. This enables reinforcement of key messages and skills as well as provides real-time information and referrals for local services and resources. The grantee also provides programming on the following adulthood preparation topics: healthy relationships, educational and career success and healthy life skills.