HHS Extends Refugee Assistance in Historic Eligibility Expansion

HHS is expanding Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) from 8 months to 12 months to support refugee populations in the United States.

March 31, 2022

Today, the US Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announced the expansion of the eligibility period for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RAM) from 8 months to 12 months for populations whose date of eligibility for benefits is on or after October 1, 2021. Through the Refugee Act of 1980, Congress authorized cash and medical assistance up to 36 months for refugee populations. Yet by fiscal year (FY) 1992, mainly due to insufficient appropriations, the ACF Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) had to reduce the RCA and RMA eligibility periods to 8 months. This landmark announcement extends the expansion of benefits eligibility that happened due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This extension will lead to more effective resettlement by providing refugee and other ORR-eligible populations with additional time to become self-sufficient. 

“The increase of the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) eligibility demonstrates HHS’ Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Office of Refugee Resettlement’s (ORR) continuous commitment to serving refugee populations as they make a new home in the United States. This assistance secures additional time for refugee populations to build a strong foundation for a new beginning,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Jennifer Cannistra. “During times of conflict in the world, the US acts as a beacon of hope for refugee populations who are displaced or must flee their homes. The expansion of RCA and RMA is a testament to our dedication to serving families when they need it the most.”

“Integration into U.S. communities does not happen overnight, and we want all of the populations we serve to succeed and maximize their contributions to local communities. Effective resettlement has been a Congressional priority and a priority for this administration, and this change reflects that commitment,” said ORR Director Cindy Huang.

The expansion of the RCA and RMA eligibility period will positively impact refugees who are not eligible for TANF or Medicaid in their state of residence by providing extended medical coverage and allowing for more time to address any medical and mental health issues that impede their ability to become self-sufficient. As well, this provides time to focus on the Congressional priorities for assistance, as outlined in the Refugee Act, of acquiring English, receiving employment training, and securing employment. Through the extended eligibility, refugee populations are able to focus on building strong relationships and a solid base in their new hometowns leading to a more seamless integration and fruitful community ties.


“The increase of the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) eligibility demonstrates HHS’ Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Office of Refugee Resettlement’s (ORR) continuous commitment to serving refugee populations as they make a new home in the United States. This assistance secures additional time for refugee populations to build a strong foundation for a new beginning.”
— Jennifer Cannistra, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy
“During times of conflict in the world, the US acts as a beacon of hope for refugee populations who are displaced or must flee their homes. The expansion of RCA and RMA is a testament to our dedication to serving families when they need it the most.”
— Jennifer Cannistra, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy
“Integration into U.S. communities does not happen overnight, and we want all of the populations we serve to succeed and maximize their contributions to local communities. Effective resettlement has been a Congressional priority and a priority for this administration, and this change reflects that commitment.”
— Cindy Huang, ORR Director


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