Publication Date:
November 1, 2016
Current as of:
Age Group | Child's Home | Family Home | Group Home | Center | Total |
Infants (0 to 1 yr) | 3% | 19% | 7% | 71% | 100% |
Toddlers (1 yr to 3 yrs) | 2% | 16% | 8% | 74% | 100% |
Preschool (3 yrs to 6 yrs) | 2% | 13% | 6% | 79% | 100% |
School Age (6 yrs to 13 yrs) | 5% | 21% | 6% | 68% | 100% |
13 years and older | 12% | 49% | 6% | 33% | 100% |
All Ages | 3% | 17% | 6% | 73% | 100% |
Data as of: 11-JULY-2016
Notes applicable to this report:
- The source for this table is ACF-801 data for FY 2015.
- Nationally, 0.6% of the children served with CCDF funds were excluded from the above table because either their age was missing or invalid or their setting information was invalid, due to out-of-range or missing care type, hours, or payment.
- All percentages are based on "adjusted" numbers of families and children, unless otherwise indicated. These "adjusted" numbers represent the number funded through CCDF only (which includes Federal Discretionary, Mandatory, and Matching Funds; TANF transfers to CCDF; and State Matching and Maintenance of Effort Funds). The "adjusted" number is the raw or "unadjusted" number reported by the State multiplied by its pooling factor, as reported on the ACF-800. This report takes this factor into consideration in calculating the "adjusted" numbers or percentages.
- All States provide an actual unadjusted count of families served each month. For States reporting full population data, the number of child records reported each month were directly counted. However, for States that only submit samples, the ratio of children-to-families was determined each month from the samples and then multiplied by the reported number of families to obtain an estimate of the unadjusted number of children served each month. The unadjusted average number of families and children was obtained from the monthly numbers in the FY, as reported on the ACF-801 summary (header) record.
- A "0%" indication often means the value is less than 0.5% rather than actually zero. In a few instances, the sum of the categories may not appear to add up to exactly 100% because of rounding.
- At the time of publication, Massachusetts, Mississippi and the Virgin Islands had submitted 9 months of ACF-801 data for FY 2015; Arkansas, Maryland, and Oklahoma had submitted 10 months; and Florida, Louisiana, and Ohio had submitted 11 months. All other States and Territories had submitted the full 12 months of data.
- The National values were determined by multiplying each State's percentage by the adjusted number of children served for each State, summing across the States and then dividing by the adjusted number of children served for the Nation. "Adjusted" means adjusted to represent CCDF funding only.
- Some children are reported to have multiple settings for the same month. Children in more than one setting category within the same month were counted in each setting in proportion to the number of hours of service received in each setting. For example, if the child spent 70 hours in a center and 30 hours in a child's home, the child would be scored as 0.7 count in Center and 0.3 count in Child's Home (proportional counting).