The Office of Child Care (OCC) requires state and territory lead agencies to report annual aggregate and monthly case-level data on services provided to children and families through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) as required by Section 658K of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act (42 U.S.C. 9857, et. seq). Data gathered for tables include information on children and families served through CCDF, as well as information on CCDF providers.
OCC creates preliminary and final estimates of administrative data submitted by states and territories. The issuance of preliminary data allows information to be publicly available earlier. The subsequent issuance of final data recognizes that many States and Territories continue to make adjustments and corrections (usually minor) to their data for some time after the information is initially reported. Tables are included in statutorily-mandated biennial reports to Congress.
ACF-800 and ACF-801 data forms from state and territory reports for FY 2021 are compiled into Final Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Data Tables.
Table 1: Average Monthly Adjusted Number of Families and Children Served
Table 2: Percent of Children Served by Payment Method
Table 3: Average Monthly Percentages of Children Served by Types of Care
Table 5: Average Monthly Percent Served by Relatives vs. Non-Relatives
Table 6: Average Monthly Percentages of Children Served in All Types of Care
Table 7: Number of Child Care Providers Receiving CCDF Funds
Table 8: Consumer Education Strategies Summary
Table 9: Average Monthly Percentages of Children In Care By Age Group
Table 10: Reasons for Receiving Care, Average Monthly Percentage of Families
Table 11: Average Monthly Percentages of Children by Racial Group
Table 12: Average Monthly Percentages of Children by Latino Ethnicity
Table 12a: Average Monthly Percent of Children In Care By Race and Ethnicity
Table 13: Average Monthly Percentages of Children in Child Care by Age Category and Care Type
Table 14: Average Monthly Hours for Children In Care By Age Group and Care Type
Table 15: Average Monthly Subsidy Paid to Provider by Age Group and Care Type
Table 16: Average Monthly Percent of Families Reporting Income from TANF
Table 17: Average Monthly Mean Family Co-payment as a Percent of Family Income
Table 18: Average Monthly Percentages of Head of Family Status
Table 19: Average Monthly Percentages of Families by Homeless Status
Table 20: Average Monthly Percentages of Primary Language Spoken at Home
Table 21: Average Monthly Percentages of Children With a Disability
- XLSX FY 2021 CCDF Data Tables (Preliminary) (166.13 KB)