AS OF 9/30/2016
FY 2016 Highlights:
This summary provides cumulative information obtained from state ACF-696 financial reports submitted for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 CCDF appropriation showing cumulative expenditures through September 30, 2016. The FY 2016 state reports detail expenditures from each of the CCDF funding streams (Mandatory, Matching, and Discretionary), as well as funds transferred from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program to CCDF in FY 2016. Included are expenditures for administration, direct and non-direct services, and quality activities including congressionally mandated targeted funds for Infant and Toddler Quality Improvement.
As of September 30, 2016, cumulative expenditures from the FY 2016 appropriation totaled approximately $7.1 billion. This total includes approximately $12 million in excess State Match and Maintenance of Effort (MOE) expenditures above the amounts required to draw down the full allotment of federal CCDF funds. Footnotes have been added to Table 5b – Matching State Share Summary and Table 8b – Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Summary identifying excess expenditures reported by states.
Unobligated Matching Balances. In FY 2016, Idaho released $8.2 million; Kansas released $4 million; Michigan released $13 million; and Tennessee released $1.9 million in FY 2016 federal Matching funds for a total of $27 million to be reallocated to other states in FY 2017.
Maintenance of Effort. States reported spending the $888 million of state funds necessary to meet the established MOE level for FY 2016 and draw down federal Matching funds. Four states reported spending a total of $12 million over the required MOE level with total MOE expenditures equaling $900 million.
Non-Federal Match. In addition to meeting the above MOE requirement and obligating their Mandatory funds by September 30, states must match federal expenditures with state funds at the applicable Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) rate to be eligible for federal Matching funds. States matched the $1.4 billion in federal Matching funds with $1.17 billion in state expenditures.
TANF Transfers. Section 404(d) of the Social Security Act allows states to transfer portions of their TANF grant to either CCDF or the Social Services Block Grant. In FY 2016, 25 states transferred a total of approximately $1.4 billion in FY 2016 federal TANF funds to CCDF.