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American Relief Act (ARA) of 2025 Allocation Tables

Pre-Final GY2023 CCDF Allocations (Including Redistributed Funds)

This program instruction 1) provides information to eligible state, territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies regarding the availability and distribution of disaster supplemental funds, and 2) to provide guidance on allowable activities, how to apply, notice of federal interest, obligating and expending funds, reporting requirements, grantee monitoring and other requirements.

Priorities Report: 2022 (New)

January 15, 2025

ACF is required to issue an annual report “that contains a determination about whether each state uses amounts provided for the fiscal year under this subchapter in accordance with the priority for services.” (658E(c)(3)(B)(ii)(I)) The statutory priorities for service categories are: 1) children of families with very low incomes (taking into account family size), and 2) children with special needs. To reflect the focus on serving children experiencing homelessness included in the CCDBG Act, the CCDF regulations include serving children experiencing homelessness as a third priority for services category (45 CFR 98.46(a)(3)). This report includes analysis of ACF-801 CCDF administrative data and summary information from FY 2022-2024 CCDF State/Territory Plans.

This information memorandum provides an overview and guidance on the supplemental funding made available through the American Releif Act.

This Program Instruction builds on a previously issued Program Instruction (see PI CCDF-ACF-PI-2018-01) to provide further guidance to State and Territory Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agencies on Office of Child Care requirements for developing and conducting cost-based alternative methodologies and payment rate setting.

FY 2022 CCDF Data Tables (Preliminary)

FY 2022 Preliminary Data Table 21 - Average Monthly Percentages of Children With a Disability

FY 2022 Preliminary Data Table 20 - Average Monthly Percentages of Primary Language Spoken at Home

FY 2022 Preliminary Data Table 19 - Average Monthly Percentages of Families by Homeless Status