CED Supporting Businesses, Employees, and Community Development

Publication Date: August 21, 2015
Current as of:
This module is part of the CED Grant Recipient Toolkit.

Community Economic Development (CED) grant projects support businesses and their employees. This module contains a variety of resources that may be useful to CED grantees as they administer their CED projects and build their capacity to create jobs and economic development opportunities. 

Financial Empowerment for the Workplace

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The Financial Empowerment for the Workplace Guide (PDF) introduces employers to financial empowerment offerings that may work for their organizations.

The tools in this guide can help employers take practical steps toward bringing financial empowerment to employees.


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Leveraging CDFIs

The Leveraging CDFIs to Create Quality Jobs and Fight Income Inequality Resource (PDF) discusses the creation and benefits of quality jobs within Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and Community Development Corporations (CDCs) to combat income inequality.

Community Economic Development & Healthcare Playbook

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The Community Economic Development & Healthcare Playbook: A Guide To Cross-sector Partnerships  (PDF) is an action-oriented guide designed by Build Healthy Places Network and National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations for community economic development organizations who want to pursue partnerships with healthcare systems.

Resources for Populations Served by ACF Programs

Icon of three people in circles with a triangle connecting them.

Visit Resources for Populations Served by Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Programs for materials to support subgroups of ACF program participants, prospective participants, and their communities to help them understand the array of programs and resources that may be able to assist them.

Many families, individuals, and communities may not know about the full range of services and resources that are available to and could benefit them. These materials can help them find and access helpful supports tailored to their particular situation.

VITA Interview Tool

The Virtual Interactive Training Agent (VITA) virtual reality interview tool is designed to build job interview skills and confidence for prospective employees. Watch the demonstration to learn more about the tool and CED grantees and businesses can help improve employees' interview skills.

View a summary video of the VITA Interview Tool's impact and functionality .

If you would like to access the tool, email OCSRegistrar@icf.com.

Capital Readiness Tool

The Capital Readiness Tool was designed to provide entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations with a way to assess their own capacity to secure funding. Understanding their readiness can help organizations apply for funding and demonstrate the impact and viability of their organizations.

The tool includes that a list of reading materials and a set of interactive modules that allow you to assess your business’s financial readiness. The second section is a lending reference guide. This guide sheds light on the typical application process, while highlighting items you will need to prepare during due diligence. It also provides a list of certified SBA Lenders, CDFIs, and other valuable resources.

Watch this demonstration to learn how the Capital Readiness Tool can support your organization and businesses.

If you would like to access the tool, email OCSRegistrar@icf.com.

Explore more CED Grant Recipient modules:

Three runners at the start line

Getting Started with Your CED Grant

Three people at table

Working with ACF and HHS Offices

People in meeting

Systems for Grant Management and Reporting

People looking at data

Data Collection and the PPR

Group sitting in meeting

Managing Grant Administrative Activities