ACF-OCS-CSBG-DCL-24-04 2023 ACSI Survey Results

Publication Date: December 20, 2023
Current as of:

Community Services Block Grant

Dear Colleague Letter


DATE: December 20, 2023

TO: OCS Grant Recipients, Partners, and Stakeholders

SUBJECT: 2023 ACSI Survey of CSBG Grant Recipients Results

ATTACHMENT(S): Not Applicable

Dear Colleague,

This communication provides the Office of Community Services (OCS) Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) state, tribal, and territory grant recipients, and national training and technical assistance partners the 2023 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey of CSBG Grant Recipients results.

OCS’ 2023 ACSI CSBG Grant Recipient Survey Results

OCS is pleased to announce that the Claes Fornell International (CFI) Group, an independent third-party research group, released results from OCS’ 2023 ACSI Survey of CSBG Grant Recipients launched on March 28, 2023 to May 11, 2023.

This information presents the results of qualitative feedback from 57 CSBG state, territory (referred to as states in the study), and tribal grant recipients. The 2023 ACSI Survey of CSBG Grant Recipients examined grant recipient satisfaction with OCS based on responses to three direct questions:

  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the services provided by OCS as it relates to CSBG?
  2. How well do the services from OCS meet your expectations?
  3. How do the services from OCS compare to an ideal grant awarding agency?

The highlights include overall and category-level grant recipient satisfaction scores in 2023, how these compare to the 2020 ACSI survey results, and the range in satisfaction between the CSBG states and CSBG tribes as a group and by individual states and tribes.

Further, the results demonstrate that OCS has provided impactful customer service to states, tribes, and territories and has made tremendous strides in meeting some of its CSBG federal accountability measures. OCS finds this information beneficial and informative and will use the results to support continuous improvement on the services we provide to our CSBG grant recipients.

Key Findings from the Survey

  • The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for OCS CSBG grant recipients is 71.
  • The CSI score of 71 significantly improved by 11 points from 2020 and is five points above the 2023 federal government average of 66.
  • For the first time, scores for all six drivers of satisfaction showed improvement, and three score changes are considered statistically significant (Training and Technical Assistance — Staff, Communication, and Training and Technical Assistance — OCS-Funded Providers).
  • The tribes reported notably higher satisfaction than the states and provided higher performance ratings for all six drivers.
  • The CSI for the state grant recipients significantly improved from 54 in 2020 to 67 in 2023.
  • Significant improvements in satisfaction among states and tribes resulted in notable improvement in the score for Confidence in OCS, improved by 11 points, and Trust in OCS, improved by 13 points.

Debrief Webinar

OCS held a webinar on Thursday, October 26, 2023 to discuss the results from the 2023 ACSI survey of CSBG Grant Recipients. The recording is available at OCS CSBG 2023 ACSI Survey Briefing Webinar .

Next Steps

OCS is committed to continuous improvement and will use the data from the study to inform strategic planning for our work with the CSBG Network. If you have any questions or comments, please contact your Program Specialist and copy

Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.

Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services