ACF-OCS-CSBG-DCL-24-14 Community Action Month Youth Services
Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter
DATE: May 30, 2024
TO: The CSBG Network
SUBJECT: Community Action Month: Youth Services
ATTACHMENT(S): Not Applicable
Dear Colleague,
In 2022, 15.3% of children ages 0 to 17 lived below the federal poverty level [1 ]. The impact of childhood poverty can have long-term, negative implications, as children living in poverty are vulnerable to environmental, educational, health, and safety risk factors. Income level can stifle a youth’s ability to achieve educational success and limit involvement in extracurricular activities, resulting in fewer opportunities for engagement in enrichment activities that develop the skills and knowledge for a solid foundation for economic mobility and security in adulthood.
During Community Action Month, the Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Community Assistance would like to underscore the flexibility of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) which allows communities to identify the immediate and long-term needs of youth and address their needs through locally driven community-based services. By implementing targeted, local programming and supports for youth to explore their interests and develop various talents and skills, community action agencies (CAAs) develop pathways to prosperity that can lift youth out of poverty and begin a trajectory of upward economic mobility for generations forward.
There were approximately 3.6 million youth ages 0 to 17 served through CSBG in fiscal year 2023. To acknowledge the powerful work of the community action network and CAAs in supporting youth services and development as part of our celebration of the 60th year of community action, OCS would like to highlight some innovative uses of CSBG to support youth services:
- CSBG Youth Empowerment: Beloit Fresh Start — Beloit Fresh Start YouthBuild supports young people who struggle in traditional classroom settings through the provision of academic, career, and community service opportunities. To administer this program, CSBG provides funding to Community Action, Inc., which blends and braids resources from a variety of federal, state, and local partners. This program focuses on intensive individualized support for youth that encourages personal leadership and development in life skills critical for long term success.
- CSBG Youth Empowerment: Junior Prep Sports American Samoa — Through CSBG funding, Junior Prep Sports (JPS) provides affordable youth sports and educational programming for youth ages 8 to 14. These services help youth develop life skills and provide an alternative avenue for youth to attend post-secondary education. The goal of JPS is for youth to build a brighter future by attending college and to return to American Samoa to serve their community.
Youth services and supports are powerful avenues to build a brighter future and to break intergenerational cycles of poverty for youth. OCS recognizes the impact of the community action network and CAA programming on the trajectory of our youth and on generations to come. Together, OCS and the community action network can continue to address the causes and consequences of poverty by helping youth reach their greatest potential. “We See You” exceling in your work with youth, and we know our nation’s future is more secure as you prepare the leaders of tomorrow.
Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services
- PDF COMM_ACF-OCS-CSBG-DCL-24-14 CAM Youth Services_FY24 (320.59 KB)