CED IM 2018-01 Programmatic Reporting Requirements

Publication Date: August 14, 2018
Current as of:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families

Office of Community Services
Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs
330 C Street, SW, 5th Floor
Mail Room 5425
Washington, D.C. 20201

Information Memorandum 2018-01

Date: August 14, 2018

TO: Community Economic Development (CED) Grantees

SUBJECT: Programmatic Reporting Requirements

FROM: The Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs

RELATED REFERENCES: Section 681(a) and 681(b)(2) of the Community Services Block Grant Act , as amended; the Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998 ( Pub. L. 105-285)
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-104publ13/pdf/PLAW-104publ13.pdf  (PDF)

PURPOSE: To clearly outline programmatic reporting requirements and process for grant recipients under the Community Economic Development (CED) program


Grant recipients under the CED program are required to submit CED program-specific Performance Progress Reports (PPRs) on a semi-annual basis for the duration of their project period.

Grant recipients are also required to submit SF-425 Federal Financial Reports (FFRs) detailing the cash transactions made for their Federal awards through the Payment Management System (PMS). CED grantees are required to report the cash transactions (lines 10a, b, and c on the FFR) on a quarterly basis, and the expenditures, obligations, and liquidations (lines 10d-10o on the FFR) semi-annually.

Additional reports may also be required depending upon the nature of the project, including Disposition of Asset Plan of Loan, Disposition of Asset Plan of Stocks, SF-428 (tangible personal property), and SF-429 (real property).

More information about reporting requirements for discretionary grants is available at: /discretionary-post-award-requirements#chapter-2.

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, federal agencies must seek approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to collect information from the public. Grantees are not required to respond to a collection of information covered by such Act, unless it displays a current valid OMB control number.

CED Program-Specific Performance Progress Reports (PPRs)

The CED program-specific PPR was revised in 2017 (OMB approval number: 0970-0386; expiration date: June 30, 2020).

Submission Schedule

The reporting schedule for submitting semi-annual CED program-specific PPRs is as follows:

Semi-Annual CED PPR Due Dates Reporting Period Dates
April 30th October 1st prior to March 31st current year
October 31st April 1st to September 30th


Grantees must also submit a final CED program-specific PPR according to the following schedule:

Final CED PPR Due Date Reporting Period Dates
December 31st The entire span of the grant, from the date of award through 90 days after the grant expires


Submission Process

CED program-specific PPRs are submitted through the On-Line Data Collection System (OLDC), which is accessed through GrantSolutions.

Steps for accessing OLDC to submit semi-annual program-specific PPR forms for CED are as follows:

  1. Complete and return the Request for OLDC Access Form, which can be found at: /sites/default/files/documents/ocs/oldc_access_request.pdf (PDF). Note this step must only be done prior to the first time reporting for a grant.
  2. Log in to GrantSolutions at www.grantsolutions.gov and select OLDC from the Post Award Monitoring menu.
  3. Select program name (Community Economic Development), grantee name, Program Performance Form (CED), grant number, and reporting period from the drop-down boxes to locate the appropriate PPR.
  4. Enter semi-annual data in forms A, B, and E of the PPR. Note that all report fields collect data cumulatively from the beginning of the grant.
  5. Validate, certify, and submit the forms for review by the assigned Program Specialist.

Additional Information

Additional information about accessing and using OLDC is available at: /ocs/resource/ced-ppr-information-page, including guidance and instructions for:


Lynda E. Perez
Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs Office of Community Services

Clarence Carter
Office Director
Office of Community Services


