CSBG AT 2017-04 Application for FY 2018 Funds for Tribes and Tribal Organizations
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of State Assistance
330 C Street, SW, 5th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20201
Community Services Block Grant
Action Transmittal
Re: Transmittal No. CSBG-AT-2017-04
Date: July 28, 2017
TO: Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations
SUBJECT: Application for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Funds Based on the Availability of CSBG Funds
RELATED REFERENCES: Community Services Block Grant Act, Title VI, Subtitle B, of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended; Human Services Amendments of 1994, P.L.103-252; the FY 1996 CSBG Appropriation Legislation, P.L.104-134; CFR Title 45, Part 96; Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, P. L. 105-285, Department of Health and Human Services Block Grant Regulations and Current Poverty Income Guidelines
PURPOSE: To inform Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations of the CSBG application requirements for FY 2018.
The Office of Community Services (OCS) funds CSBG grantees based on the determination that their applications and plans are complete in accordance with the requirements of the CSBG Act and regulations. Federally- or state-recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations may apply for funding under the CSBG Act by submitting an application that meets the requirements of Sections 676 and 677 of the Act. CSBG provides Tribes with funds to lessen poverty in communities by providing a range of services and activities to address the needs of low-income Tribal members. Core services that have been funded by CSBG in Tribal communities include employment and training, youth services, health, education (e.g., adult literacy, early childhood development, and drug prevention programs), housing, and nutrition.
CSBG is increasingly focused on strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of Tribal programs through improved performance measurement, fiscal accountability, monitoring, and reporting.
Operation of CSBG programs in accordance with these applications will be dependent on enactment of FY 2018 appropriations supporting this program.
On October 1, 2013, ACF directed its program offices, including OCS, to require all mandatory grantees to submit applications electronically. For more information, see 78 FR 60285-60286, October 1, 2013 . To meet this responsibility, OCS requires Tribes and Tribal Organizations to use the Online Data Collection System (OLDC) to submit the Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Mandatory (SF-424M) form and upload all CSBG Tribal plan documents. OCS will only consider applications submitted by authorized CSBG grantee officials via OLDC . To receive or update access to OLDC, please complete and return the OLDC Access Form linked below.
First-time Applicants
A federally- or state-recognized Indian Tribe or Tribal Organization that is interested in receiving CSBG funds directly must first submit a signed statement of agreement between the Tribe or Tribal Organization and the state confirming the Tribal population and the percentage of Tribal poverty in the state to OCS. First-time applicants will not have access to OLDC and must submit their initial CSBG Tribal application and plan to the Office of Community Services via email: CSBGTribes@acf.hhs.gov. For more information on becoming a CSBG grantee, please see IM 130: How Direct Funding is Developed for New Tribes.
Currently-funded Tribal CSBG grantees and first-time Tribal CSBG applicants must submit their completed application no later than September 1, 2017.
Applications submitted later than September 1, 2017 will be ineligible for direct funding from OCS, unless written approval has been obtained from the respective state CSBG Office. (This is the state in which the Tribe or Tribal Organization is located and generally will be the state CSBG lead agency.) According to CFR Title 45, Part 96.42(e),“Beginning with fiscal year 1983, any request by an Indian tribe or tribal organization for direct funding by the Secretary must be submitted to the Secretary, together with the required application and related materials, by September 1 preceding the Federal fiscal year for which funds are sought. A separate application is required for each block grant. After the September 1 deadline, tribal applications will be accepted only with concurrence from the State (or States) in which the tribe or tribal organization is located.” Applications that do not meet the required application criteria stated above will be returned to the Tribe or Tribal Organization.
Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations have the option of submitting CSBG applications covering a one- or two-year period. CSBG funding will continue to be made available during each year for those CSBG applications which cover a two-year period.
An outline for the model Tribe/Tribal Organization CSBG application is linked below. OCS encourages the use of the outline for ease in focusing on priority elements, consistency, content, presentation and expeditious processing of applications by OCS.
A complete CSBG application should contain:
(1) An electronic SF-424M: As described above, each grantee must complete and submit this form through the OLDC system. The form requires name and contact information for the Tribe or Tribal Organization’s authorizing official and the CSBG point of contact.
(2) Programmatic assurances: An application should include specific programmatic assurances certified by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Tribe or Tribal Organization, which contain the language precisely as it appears in subsections 676(b)(1)(A) through (C) of the CSBG Act. Assurances must show original signatures and be signed by the CEO. If the CEO has delegated this responsibility, a written confirmation of such a delegation, signed by the CEO, must be submitted with the application.
In addition, the application must include a narrative description of how the Indian Tribe will carry out the required programmatic assurances. If the assurance is applicable, it must contain the language precisely as it appears in subsections 676(b)(1)(A) through (C) of the CSBG Act. Tribes and Tribal Organizations are required to implement at least one of the programmatic assurances contained in subsections 676(b)(1)(A) through (C) of the CSBG Act. If CSBG funds are used to address more than one programmatic assurance, include each of the assurances.
(3) Narrative Plan: The narrative plan should include: (1) a statement of the goals and objectives planned to carry out implementation of the selected programmatic assurance; (2) information on the specific types of activities to be implemented to carry out both programmatic and administrative assurances, (3) information about areas and categories of individuals to be served, and (4) the criteria and method used for the distribution of funds. Please refer to the attached model application outline for the expected requirements.
(4) Evidence of Public Review (Public Hearing): The application should show evidence that the Tribe or Tribal Organization CSBG Plan was made available for public review and comment in conjunction with development of the plan, as required by Section 676(a)(2)(B) of the CSBG Act.
(5) A Tribal resolution: If appropriate, the application should include a resolution according to 45 CFR 96.42(b): “A tribal organization representing more than one Indian tribe will be eligible to receive block grant funds on behalf of a particular tribe only if the tribe has by resolution authorized the organization’s action.”
(6) State recognition: If applicable, the application should include documentation according to 45 CFR 96.44(b):“An organized group of Indians is eligible for direct funding based on State recognition, if the State has expressly determined that the group is an Indian tribe. In addition, the statement of the State’s chief executive officer (Office of the Governor) verifying that a tribe is recognized by that State will also be sufficient to verify State recognition for the purpose of direct funding.”
(7) An annual report: The Tribe or Tribal Organization must submit an annual report describing how it met the CSBG goals and objectives. The annual report should include information about the accomplishments of projects and activities relating to the required CSBG assurances supported with CSBG funds received in FY 2016. The CSBG annual report must also contain outcome data that addresses the implementation of the national goals.
To the extent possible, reports should address the use and distribution of the FY 2016 allocation (CSBG grant awards received during the period of October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016).
(8) Administrative Requirements: The application should indicate the date of the last audit undertaken and the period for which the audit covers in compliance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-502).
(9) Certifications: Please include the four required signed certifications (linked below).
Based on submission of the CSBG Tribe/Tribal Organization Plans for FY 2017, Tribes and Tribal organizations will fall under one of the following submission groups:
54 Tribes or Tribal Organizations with Accepted One- or Two-Year Plans ending September 30, 2017
These Tribes and Tribal organizations are expected to submit the following through OLDC:
- A completed SF-424M; and
- Attach a full application and plan including an annual report as detailed above.
11 Tribes or Tribal Organizations with Accepted Two-Year Plans ending September 30, 2018:
These Tribes and Tribal organizations are expected to submit the following through OLDC:
- A completed SF-424M; and
- Attach an Annual Report on the use of CSBG funds for FY 2017.
Since 2011, OCS has supported a training and technical assistance (T/TA) initiative to strengthen Tribal and Tribal Organizations’ administration of CSBG. This T/TA provides information on issues such as regulatory requirements, program administration, and communication to eligible Tribal entities.
T/TA tools and products are developed in consultation with Tribal representatives and are continuously improved to meet the current needs of Tribes and Tribal Organizations. Applicants interested in applying for CSBG who need assistance may contact our Tribal support contractor, LUX Consulting, at 301-244-3557 or TribalTA@luxcg.com.
A webinar series on the FY 2018 CSBG application process is currently posted on the CSBG Tribal Technical Assistance website at www.csbgtribalta.com .
Please send an email with any questions or requests for additional information to CSBGTribes@acf.hhs.gov. The list of OCS staff and contact information is also posted on the OCS website at CSBG Federal Staff by Region.
Seth Hassett
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services
Outline for Model Tribe/Tribal Organization CSBG Application
2017 HHS Poverty Guidelines
Federal Certifications
OLDC Access Form