CSBG AT-2021-05 Application for Funds for States and Territories FY2022

Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 Application for CSBG Funds Based on Availability of Funds

Publication Date: August 9, 2021
Current as of:

Community Services Block Grant

Action Transmittal

AT#: CSBG-AT-2021-05

DATE: August 9, 2021

TO: CSBG States and Territories

SUBJECT: Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 Application for CSBG Funds Based on Availability of Funds


  1. CSBG State Plan 2.0
  2. CSBG State Plan 2.0 Fillable Tool
  3. FY 2022 CSBG State Plan Submission Groups


Community Services Block Grant Act, Title VI, Subtitle B, of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended; Human Services Amendments of 1994, P.L.103-252; the FY 1996 CSBG Appropriation Legislation, P.L.104-134; CFR Title 45, Part 96; Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, P. L. 105-285; Department of Health and Human Services Block Grant Regulations and Current Poverty Income Guidelines.


To inform states and U.S. territories of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) application requirements for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022. To qualify for FFY 2022 CSBG funding, states and territories must submit their state plan applications to the Office of Community Service (OCS) by September 1, 2021 using the approved online CSBG State Plan format. States and territories shall submit their information electronically through the Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) On-Line Data Collection system (OLDC), available through GrantSolutions.gov .


According to Section 676(b) of the CSBG Act, states, including territories, must prepare and submit a CSBG State Plan for CSBG funding. OCS provides funds to CSBG grantees based on the determination that the submitted CBSG State Plan, which also serves as an application, is complete and in accordance with all requirements of the CSBG Act.

For FFY 2022, states will submit their CSBG State Plan using the current version of the CSBG State Plan (please see the attached CSBG State Plan 2.0 attachment). For more information, please refer to the CSBG-DCL-2021-21 FFY 2022 CSBG State Plan Update. CSBG applications for FFY 2022 are due to OCS no later than September 1, 2021. States have the option of submitting the CSBG State Plan annually (covering one federal fiscal year) or biannually (covering two federal fiscal years) as per the CSBG statute. States must submit their State Plans electronically through OLDC — available through GrantSolutions.gov . OLDC is now available for entry and submission.

As with previous years, OLDC will pre-populate most responses from the previous CSBG State Plan submission into the FFY 2022 CSBG State Plan submission upon initialization.

A full submission includes the:

1) CSBG Eligible Entity List (a separate form available in OLDC);

2) The Standard Form for Federal Assistance (SF-424M) [the cover page of the CSBG State Plan]; 3) The CSBG State Plan, Sections 1 — 14[1] including the designation letter (Section 1, Question 1.3); and

4) Certifications as defined by the CSBG statute (Section 15).

Once all forms are complete, the authorized official, as designated in the designation letter , must certify the CSBG State Plan within OLDC, per the CSBG statute.

CSBG Eligible Entity List

The CSBG Eligible Entity List is available within OLDC. States are only required to revise the Eligible Entity List if there were changes to the eligible entities within the state since the last submission. The CSBG Eligible Entity List must be in submitted status prior to initializing this year’s CSBG State Plan. OCS will also continue to use the current CSBG Eligible Entity List template from the prior submission.

CSBG State Plan

For FFY 2022, states will use the current CSBG State Plan for submissions. Please see the attached CSBG State Plan for reference. As a reminder, states must complete the CSBG State Plan based on the federal fiscal year — October 1 — September 30.

Content areas for the FFY 2022 CSBG State Plan submission:

CSBG Cover Page (SF-424M)

Section 1: CSBG Administrative Information

Section 2: State Legislation and Regulation

Section 3: State Plan Development and Statewide Goals

Section 4: CSBG Hearing Requirements

Section 5: CSBG Eligible Entities

Section 6: Organizational Standards for Eligible Entities

Section 7: State Use of Funds

Section 8: State Training and Technical Assistance

Section 9: State Linkages and Communication

Section 10: Monitoring, Corrective Action, and Fiscal Controls

Section 11: Eligible Entity Tripartite Board

Section 12: Individual and Community Income Eligibility Requirements

Section 13: Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) System

Section 14: CSBG Programmatic Assurances and Information Narrative

Section 15: Federal Certifications

Based on FFY 2021 CSBG State Plan submissions, states will fall under one of the following submission groups, which are further defined in the attachment titled “FFY 2022 CSBG State Plan Submission Groups”.

Group A: There are 39 states with accepted one- or two-year Plans ending September 30, 2021. For the FFY 2022 CSBG State Plan cycle, these 39 states must complete a full submission as defined above. The CSBG State Plan will be subject to all requirements of the CSBG Act, including the public hearing requirement.

Group B: There are 14 states with accepted two-year Plans ending September 30, 2022.

States that fall within this group have two options:

  • Option 1: Submit the SF-424M as a separate form within OLDC. Review the CSBG Eligible Entity List and revise as applicable. Choose this option if the state does not have any  revisions it would like to make to its  currently accepted two-year Plan.
  • Option 2: If a state elects to make and submit revisions to its accepted CSBG State Plan, it is subject to the requirements[2] of submitting a full plan as detailed above, including having the authorized official certify the report.[3]


Please see the attachment “Additional CSBG Act Requirements” for more information about:

  • Capital Improvement and Construction Waivers (CSBG Act, Section 678F(a)(2))
  • Proportionate Share of Funding (CSBG Act, Sections 676(b)(8) and 678C)
  • Collaboration with Faith-Based Organizations (CSBG Act, Section 679)


Section 678E(a)(2) of the CSBG Act requires states to prepare and submit an annual report on the activities and performance of the state and its eligible entities. As of FY 2018, states submit the CSBG Annual Report through OLDC via GrantSolutions.gov . Submitting the CSBG Annual Repot annually through OLDC fulfills CSBG statute requirements as outlined above. States are no longer required to send OCS an email detailing how they plan to submit their CSBG Annual Report. OCS will provide additional information about the submission of the FY 2021 CSBG Annual Report in the upcoming months.


OCS will release the training and technical assistance webinar schedule in the upcoming weeks.

OCS encourages all states to review OLDC access information, ensuring that state staff have been registered in the correct roles for the CSBG State Plan submission process. Please keep in mind:

  • States should have at least one individual assigned as the Grant Administrator: this is usually the CSBG point of contact. Individuals assigned to this role can submit, un-submit, and enter data into all CSBG forms within OLDC.
  • States should have at least one individual assigned as the Authorized Official: this must be the individual (e.g., director, secretary, or commissioner) designated in the CSBG state designation letter, or that person’s official designee. OCS will not accept any CSBG State Plans that do not include a designation letter that clearly specifies the designated lead agency and the title of the official who is authorized to certify the CSBG State Plan.
    • Note: The Office of Grants Management will issue the Notice of Grant Award electronically via email distribution to the Authorized Official noted within OLDC on the SF-424M. Therefore, all states must ensure that the Authorized Official email contact information is accurate.

To request OLDC access for CSBG staff, or to make changes to an existing account, please complete the OLDC Access Form and submit it to Niki Frazier via email.

  • An individual who already has access to OLDC for another program (e.g., LIHEAP), must still submit an official request to add CSBG to their account. (The individual will use one username and password to login to OLDC, and then may select from the menu of programs included in their account.)


The CSBG State Plan is a critical document for both state and federal oversight of CSBG. The CSBG State Plan — submitted through OLDC via GrantSolutions.gov — integrates and aligns requirements from the CSBG Act with elements of the overall CSBG Performance Management and Accountability Framework. This framework includes 1) organizational standards for CSBG eligible entities, 2) accountability measures at the state and federal levels, and 3) Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) (or another performance management system). Ultimately, this framework will enable the CSBG Network (local, state, and federal levels) to continuously improve their programs and generate breakthrough outcomes for families, individuals, and communities with low incomes. The operation of CSBG, in accordance with these plans, is dependent on the enactment of FFY 2022 appropriations supporting CSBG.

For more information about the CSBG Performance Management and Accountability Framework, please see the following Information Memoranda (IM):

IM 138: State Establishment of Organizational Standards for CSBG Eligible Entities;

IM 144: CSBG State and Federal Accountability Measures and Data Collection Modernization; and

IM 152: CSBG Annual Report.


If states have questions in regards to the content of the CSBG State Plan, contact the respective Federal CSBG Program Specialist.

If states have questions regarding OLDC system access and/or how to submit a completed form, please send your questions to Niki Frazier and Monique Alcantara in the Division of Community Assistance.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS grantees.


Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services

[2] If the state is changing its distribution formula for eligible entities, adding or removing eligible entities, or reducing or terminating the proportionate share of funding to an eligible entity, the state must hold a new hearing. Regardless of whether there is a hearing, the state should distribute the revised CSBG State Plan to eligible entities.

[3] OCS does not require states to revise their accepted two-year CSBG State Plans, and only suggests doing so for major revisions. Major revisions include, but are not limited to: making a change to the state’s intended use of funds (Section 7), significant proposed changes to the state CSBG policies/procedures (Section 3, Section 10, etc.), and/or revising the state’s organizational standards policies and procedures (Section 6).