CSBG-DCL-2019-11 Reminder! ACSI Survey for Eligible Entities Responses Due June 4
DCL#: CSBG-DCL-2019-11
DATE: May 31, 2019
TO: CSBG Network
SUBJECT: Reminder! ACSI Survey for Eligible Entities Responses Due June 4
ATTACHMENT(S): 2019 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey for CSBG Eligible Entities Action Transmittal
Dear Colleagues,
As you may be aware, the due date for the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey for CSBG Eligible Entities is Tuesday, June 4, 2019. As we approach the due date for the survey, we wanted to share a few updates and reminders with you.
Current ACSI Survey Status
- OCS would like to achieve enough responses to at least be statistically reliable at 85% confidence.
- Only 11 states are now achieving minimum responses to at least be statistically reliable at 80% confidence.
- As of today, less than 40% (< 400) of the 1014 eligible entities have participated in the survey.
- There are several states where zero eligible entities have participated in the survey.
What Needs to Happen
- OCS would like to see nationwide participation by the eligible entities so that the ACSI reports can become available in mid-July 2019, in time for states to make operational improvements, as appropriate for their CSBG State Plan due on September 1, 2019.
Tips to Access and Complete the Survey
We understand that there have been a few challenges with eligible entities being able to access the email sent by CFI Group, the survey distributor. We have been working daily with states, eligible entities and CFI to update agency information and provide guidance on retrieving the survey emails. OCS continues to encourage states and eligible entities to do the following:
- States and eligible entities should contact OCS if an agency has not received the survey email.
- Eligible entities should look for the official notification via email from the CFI Group on behalf of OCS with the email address of: noreply@invite.cfigroup.com.
- Eligible entities should check their spam and junk folders.
- Eligible entities should utilize the search feature in their inboxes and type in, “CFI,” in order to find the email.
Should you have any questions please contact Roneika Carr at 202-401-4595 or at Roneika.Carr@acf.hhs.gov .
Thank you for your attention and OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high quality services to OCS grantees.
Seth Hassett
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services