CSBG-DCL-2021-11 CY 2021 ACSI Survey For Eligible Entities Deadline Extension
Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter
DCL#: CSBG-DCL-2021-11
DATE: March 24, 2021
TO: States, Territories, Eligible Entities, Federal Partners
SUBJECT: 2021 ACSI Survey for CSBG Eligible Entities Deadline Extension
Dear Colleagues,
OCS has extended the response deadline for the 2021 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey for Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Eligible Entities to Tuesday, March 30, 2021. To date, the Claes Fornell International (CFI) Group, the organization administering the survey for the Office of Community Services (OCS), has received approximately 655 responses to the ACSI Survey for CSBG Eligible Entities. While this is a strong nationwide participation rate, we need more local agencies in some states to complete the survey in order to better provide the most meaningful data to each state. OCS, CFI Group and our federal technical assistance partners will reach out to states and eligible entities to encourage participation from local agencies in states that do not yet have a strong participation rate.
CFI Group, on behalf of OCS will send another reminder message with a personalized link on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 to all agency executive directors, or otherwise noted, who have not yet responded to the survey. As in the past, this message will come from the email address: noreply@invite.cfigroup.com.
The survey results are anonymous; therefore, OCS is requesting that state CSBG offices and State Community Action Associations reach out to all eligible entities within their state to urge them to participate in this important effort. In some instances, this email has gone to spam or quarantined files, therefore, we suggest that you alert the agencies to look in their spam or junk files or use the search tool in their inbox and type in “CFI”. It may also be important to remind the local agencies that all survey responses will remain confidential. OCS and the states will receive only consolidated data.
Should you have any questions relating to the survey or if you hear from any agencies that they have not received the survey, please contact Roneika Carr at 202-401-4595 or at Roneika.Carr@acf.hhs.gov.
We appreciate your efforts to make this survey a successful one and look forward to the participation from the remaining eligible entities.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS grantees.
Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services
- PDF CSBG DCL-2021-11 ACSI Eligible Entity Survey Extension CY2021 (168.64 KB)