CSBG-DCL-2022-19 Annual Reports Status Update FY 2021

Publication Date: March 17, 2022
Current as of:

Community Services Block Grant

Dear Colleague Letter

DCL#: CSBG-DCL-2022-19

DATE: March 17, 2022

TOCSBG States and Territories

SUBJECTFY 2021 CSBG Annual Report Submission Status


Dear Colleagues:

The purpose of this message is to provide an update on the submission status for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Annual Report, including the CSBG Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Supplemental Annual Report, and the CSBG Disaster Supplemental Annual Report collectively referred to as the CSBG Annual Reports.

Status of Submissions

Thank you for your efforts to begin submitting the CSBG Annual Reports. As of March 15, 2022, 26 CSBG states and territories have started submitting their CSBG Annual Reports. This means that these states have begun completing at least one Module of the CSBG Annual Reports.

The Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Community Assistance (DCA) created this CSBG Annual Reports Submission Status tool in order to keep the CSBG Network informed of the status of submissions. This tool will be updated on a weekly basis until all submissions are complete. DCA will send an email notification every week.

As a reminder, a complete submission involves submitting the CSBG Annual Report, the CSBG CARES Supplemental Annual Report, and the CSBG Disaster Supplemental Reports. For more information, please see CSBG-Action Transmittal (AT)-2022-02, Submission of CSBG FY 2021 Annual Reports.

Clarification on CSBG Annual Reports, State Administration (Module 1), State Use of Funds
DCA received a few inquiries about completing the State Use of Funds (Section E), and is therefore issuing a clarification:

  • CSBG Annual Report: Only report data for your FY 2021 regular CSBG funding within E.2, E.4, and E.7. Report carryover within E.9a and E.9b.
  • CSBG Supplemental Annual Report: Only report data for your CARES funding within E.2, E.4, and E.7. Report carryover within E.9a and E.9b.
    • States affected by the minimum/maximum allotment (commonly referred to as “small states”): please update the “Actual Allocations” column to include the allotment received in FY 2021.
    • States/Territories not affected by the minimum/maximum allotment: the “Actual Allocations” should remain the same if you allocated the full amount in FY 2020. Please update to the FY 2021 allocation if you did not allocate the full amount in FY 2020.
    • All states/territories: Obligations and Expenditures should only include obligations (as defined by the state) and expenditures made in FY 2021.
  • Disaster Supplemental Annual Report:Only report data for your Disaster funding within E.2, E.4, and E.7. Report carryover within E.9a and E.9b.

If you have any questions pertaining to Section E, please contact Norris Phillip and Angelia Kelly. Please copy your CSBG Program Specialist and M. Monique Alcantara.

Submission of CSBG CARES and Disaster Supplemental, Eligible Entity Administration (Module 2) and Individual and Family Level (Module 4)

DCA is aware of an issue with uploading CSBG CARES and CSBG Disaster XMLs into the On-Line Data Collection system (OLDC) via GrantSolutions.gov . This is a result of an issue with the original SmartForms once exported to XMLs. DCA is working on a solution with the National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) and GrantSolutions that will result in the least amount of burden to the states. While DCA works on a solution, please send your completed SmartForms to M. Monique Alcantara and Joey Lim via email. OCS will upload the data on your behalf and inform you when to submit the state-level form.

Training and Technical Assistance

As a reminder, DCA provided a webinar series for the submission of the FY 2021 CSBG Annual Reports. These recordings and presentations are located on the CSBG Webinars page.

Additionally, as originally noted in the CSBG-DCL-2022-12, CSBG Annual Report Updates, all Administration for Children and Families (ACF) grant recipients must link their GrantSolutions.gov account to Login.gov . Instructions to link accounts can be found within CSBG-DCL-2022-12 and in the FY 2021 CSBG Annual Reporting Kick-Off webinar. If you need assistance with logging in, including creating new accounts, please contact Niki Frazier and Jacinta Mutonga.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS grantees.


Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services