CSBG-DCL-2022-34 Comprehensive Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment
Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter
Dear Colleagues,
The Office of Community Services (OCS) invites you to complete an online Comprehensive Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment.
This message includes information on the purpose of the assessment, how the information will be used, and how to complete the online survey before the July 8, 2022 submission deadline.
As noted in our CSBG-Dear Colleague Letter (DCL)-2022-28, Training and Technical Resources FY 2023, published on April 27, 2022, OCS is committed to strengthening the T/TA that we provide and support. We know that for our T/TA to be effective, it must be relevant, timely, anticipatory of your needs, and driven by the CSBG Network. Thus, we are committed to building a CSBG T/TA Learning Agenda that:
* Ensures the T/TA provided by the federal government and CSBG T/TA providers adequately and effectively targets the needs of the CSBG Network in an ever-changing environment.
* Builds in and maintains a variety of ways to collect and use information from across the CSBG Network about the most pressing needs and priorities.
* Develops knowledge and identifies best practices for results-driven strategies.
* Provides an opportunity to evaluate and demonstrate the impact of T/TA activities individually and as a whole.
* Addresses the concerns regarding the need to demonstrate results across the CSBG Network.
Changing the Status Quo: Obtaining Feedback from the Entire CSBG Network
Annually, OCS assesses T/TA needs by utilizing feedback received from the states and our national partners as well as data collected via mandatory reports. And now, for the first time, OCS developed an assessment to obtain feedback on T/TA needs from the entire CSBG Network. In beta testing, it took survey respondents between 20-30 minutes to complete the full assessment. OCS will not administer the assessment every year — and given that it is our first time conducting this assessment, the survey is longer than it may be in the future.
To create a robust and responsive T/TA Learning Agenda, it is important that we hear from a variety of CSBG states, territories, Tribes and Tribal Organizations, state associations, and CSBG-eligible entities within the CSBG Network. We also encourage all CSBG staff within your agency to complete the survey to account for all T/TA needs — administrative, programmatic, and fiscal.
How Information Will Be Used
OCS is committed to safeguarding the information and identity of survey participants. Your responses to this survey will be kept private. Results of the survey will not be attributed to a particular person, program, agency, or office. This information is being collected solely to inform OCS’ T/TA Learning Agenda. Please utilize the open-ended optional responses to include any additional T/TA recommendations or feedback you may have. OCS may follow-up with respondents to gain clarity on individual responses.
How to Complete the Survey
The survey can be accessed using this link: Comprehensive CSBG T/TA Needs Assessment . The survey will be available for 30 days, closing at 11:59pm ET on Friday, July 8, 2022. Please note that the online platform does not allow you to save your survey progress and return to the survey later. Only fully completed surveys can be submitted. If you have any questions, please contact CSBGStates@acf.hhs.gov.
Thank you in advance for your participation. OCS looks forward to receiving your input and continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.
Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services
- PDF COMM_CSBG_DCL-2022-34 Comprehensive TTA Needs Assessment Survey (201.29 KB)