CSBG-DCL-2023-06 Disaster Supplemental for Hurricanes Fiona and Ian FY 2023
Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter
DCL#: CSBG-DCL-2023-06
DATE: March 15, 2023
TO: CSBG Grant Recipients, Partners, and Stakeholders
SUBJECT: CSBG Disaster Supplemental for Hurricanes Fiona and Ian
Dear Colleague,
The purpose of this message is to provide preliminary information on the Office of Community Services’ (OCS) implementation plan for the new Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Disaster Supplemental Grants with funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (PDF) (Public Law No: 117-328), signed into law on December 29, 2022.
Key Provisions of the Supplemental Appropriation
As part of a larger emergency appropriation for Children and Families Services Programs, P.L. 117-328 includes $25 million to be used for payments to states, territories and tribes authorized under CSBG “for necessary expenses directly related to the consequences of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian.” The full text of the supplemental appropriation language is available on the following weblink: H.R.2617 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023
Key provisions include the following:
- Allocation Based on Disaster Needs: The appropriation language instructs OCS to allocate supplemental appropriation funds based on assessed need (rather than the regular statutory formula that applies to regularly-appropriated funds). It also instructs that each state, territory, or tribe shall in turn allocate its funds based on need rather than existing state formulas. This means that only states, territories, and tribes that were directly impacted by Hurricanes Fiona or Ian will be eligible to receive funds. Likewise, only the eligible entities (Community Action Agencies) that serve disaster impacted populations within a state will be eligible to receive funding.
- Income Eligibility up to 200 Percent of Federal Poverty Line: The supplemental appropriation allows grant recipients to establish income eligibility limits up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Line (as opposed to the 125% limit established in the regular CSBG Act.
- Use of Funds for Construction and Property Improvements: The supplemental appropriation allows used for alteration, renovation, construction, equipment, and other capital improvement costs as necessary to meet the needs of areas affected by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian and limits the potential federal interest in any properties to a period of 10 years.
- Nonduplication of FEMA or Private Insurance: The language specifies that funds shall not be available for costs that are reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), under a contract for insurance, or by self-insurance.
States and Territories Eligible for Funds
Consistent with the instructions outlined in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, OCS will distribute funds based on an assessment of needs related to Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. The needs assessment process will include states, territories and tribes that received a Presidential Disaster Declaration (major disaster declaration). These jurisdictions include:
- The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico — Hurricane Fiona (FEMA-4671-DR-PR )
- The State of Florida — Hurricane Ian (FEMA-4673-DR-FL )
- The State of South Carolina — Hurricane Ian (FEMA-4677-DR-SC )
- Seminole Tribe of Florida — Hurricane Ian (FEMA-4675-DR-FL )
In addition, consistent with the requirements of the CSBG Act and the supplemental appropriations instructions, CSBG Disaster Supplemental funds will be allocated within the current structure of eligible entities that provide services to populations with low incomes within specific geographic service areas (e.g., counties, tribal government areas) with populations affected by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian.
Needs Assessment Process
OCS will implement a needs assessment process in partnership with CSBG lead agencies in Puerto Rico, Florida, and South Carolina. In turn, each jurisdiction will be required to provide a more detailed needs assessment, service plan, and risk mitigation and quality assurance plan. While the Seminole Tribe of Florida is not a current CSBG grant recipient (and therefore does not meet requirements to receive a direct CSBG disaster supplemental award), OCS will include the Seminole Tribe in a national needs assessment process and will consult with the tribal council about an appropriate mechanism to ensure availability of CSBG services related to Hurricane Ian.
Next Steps
During the Spring of 2023, OCS will issue an Information Memorandum that includes key requirements for needs assessment, application, award, and reporting process, as well as a preliminary funding formula. As a follow-up, the eligible states and territory will receive an Action Transmittal and application template for a start-up phase of funding and a more detailed community needs assessment. OCS has already initiated contact with the CSBG lead agencies in Puerto Rico, Florida, and South Carolina to provide initial technical assistance and consultation.
For questions related to this supplemental, please contact Seth Hassett and Roneika Carr. Visit the OCS website to learn more information about this and past CSBG Disaster Supplemental grant efforts, as well as other materials on OCS’ Disaster Flexibilities Hub .
Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.
Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services